Jul 5, 2014

Russian scientists to rebuild Tesla Tower, satisfy world energy hunger with one massive solar farm

RT: According to the authors of the project, as of today all human civilization's electric energy needs could be covered with a single installation of solar panel measured approximately 316 by 316 kilometers (100,000 square kilometers altogether) positioned in a desert somewhere near the equator.

They believe the only stumbling block to such a project is the delivery of electric energy to final consumers, as the loss of energy directly depends on the distance of transmission.

The Plekhanov brothers believe that only experimental verification of the theory could help the original idea become reality. They also say that their "creative interpretation" of the physical model proposed by Tesla has already been confirmed by "numerical simulation in Ansoft HFSS software."

Tesla Tower (Photo from Wikipedia.org)

Tesla Tower (Photo from Wikipedia.org)

The original Wardenclyffe Tower (also dubbed the "Tesla Tower"), was constructed by Nikola Tesla in Shoreham, about 100 kilometers from New York, in 1901–17. It never became fully operational.

The 57-meter-high tower was made of wood and copper and after a number of experiences to perform trans-Atlantic wireless power transmission, as well as commercial broadcasting and wireless telephony, the tower was disassembled in 1917.

Leonid and Sergey Plekhanov believe the construction of their "Planetary Energy Transmitter" would be much lighter than that of Tesla's, decreased from over 60 to mere 2 tons – all because of the modern materials used for the framework and up-to-date conducting materials. Naturally, the installation would be equipped with advanced electronics.

"We've conducted the fundamental research studies, implemented the computational models and designed all the parts of the experiment. We will be able to perform energy transmission and measure the results. Will it be 'global' as Tesla suggested? Based on the research that we've already done – we believe it will be, and we going to prove it experimentally," the scientists wrote.

The scientists are going to repeat Tesla's experiment in the fall of 2014.

And if the experiment works, the scientists say that a free energy world with limitless global energy transmission is possible.

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