Dec 16, 2015

Please give a little to a group that gives a lot of vital Occupational & Environmental Health inofrmation

​Please consider a donation this year (see how below)
What is more important than the gift of health and knowledge?

-Chirstopher Haase

OccHealthNews forum continues to attract hundreds (actually, still more than 3,000!) of international professionals engaged in Occupational & Environmental Health.

OccHealthNews subscribers have found one-another to be a wonderful resource, for practical, timely and thoughtful advice (ok, and for occasionally outrageously misguided opinions!). 

OccHealthNews forum and "knowledge co-op" began in October 1993... and continues to find support from so many of you.

Please recollect that they are hosted at the University of N.Carolina and supported administratively by the Association for Occupational & Environmental Clinics, providing sound financial & IT infrastructure for our discussions, archives and occasional moderation

Here's the unchanged plea.

OccHealthNews counts on subscribers to contribute voluntarily, once-annually and with a limited but determined generosity.

Last year's supporters were reliably present, and the 124 donors are listed online. 

Our suggested contribution is still $50 annually, but at least 25 were able to support with even more generosity. 

Please recollect that there is opportunity for this to be considered either a business/professional-development investment *OR* a charitable contribution (AOEC is a non-profit, non-partisan donor-supported professional association).

How to actually contribute:

1) Checks payable to (and sent to) : 

    Association of Occupational & Environmental Clinics (AOEC) "Supporting OEM-L"

    c/o Ingrid Denis (click for email)

    Sent to:
    1010 Vermont Ave., NW #513
    Washington, DC 20005

    AOEC is a licensed non-profit, who can acknowledge your support as a charitable donation. 

    For supporters paying from institutional accounts, we can generate an invoice from the University for your contribution. Please email   us with this request.

2) VISA / Mastercard payments can be authorized by phone or fax or PayPal: 

Thanks to our forum's participants for stepping up to help maintain the viability of this resource.

- Gary Greenberg
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health