Nov 2, 2016

EPA free Webinar Best Practices: State and Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction

Best Practices: State and Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction

November 3, 2016, Time: 1-2 pm CST

EPA would like to invite you to our first quarterly webinar for the National Emphasis Area (NEA) Working Groups. The EPA National Pollution Prevention Program has established three national emphasis areas (NEAs) to give the program a more centralized focus and direction that will result in more impactful, measurable results. Through these webinars, we are hoping to share best practices among the states and regions in order to amplify all the great work we are doing in this country to support the goals of the NEAs. These grants are part of the State and Community Approaches to Hazardous Materials Source Reduction NEA, but we are inviting all grantees to the call in case you would like more information on the other NEA workgroups.

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