Jan 17, 2017

2015 TRI National Analysis Available, Shows Major Decline in Air Releases Over 10 Years

The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program is pleased to announce the publication of the 2015 TRI National Analysis, EPA's summary and interpretation of the most recent data on toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention activities at more than 20,000 U.S. industrial facilities.

In the National Analysis, you'll find local- and national-level data on toxic chemical releases to air, water and land, and information about what companies are doing to prevent these releases. With the report's integrated mapping features, you can take a closer look at this information for specific geographic locations, including your community.

Between 2005 and 2015, air releases of toxic chemicals from TRI facilities decreased by 56% (850 million pounds). An 8% decrease from 2014 to 2015 contributed to this 10-year decline.

In 2015, of the nearly 26 billion pounds of total chemical waste managed at TRI facilities (excluding metal mines), approximately 92% was not released into the environment due to the use of preferred waste management practices such as recycling, energy recovery, and treatment.

The TRI National Analysis website includes a new "flipbook" showing how the TRI Program has evolved over the past 30 years, plus a new dashboard that allows users to build customized visualizations of TRI data by a chemical or a sector.

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