Jan 16, 2017

FREE Webinar OSHA Under Trump: What to Expect in 2017 and Beyond

The Bureau of National Affairs is offering a one-hour webinar this Wednesday (1/18) at noon, focusing on what the incoming Trump administration might mean for OSHA and worker health/safety.  Ed Foulke is the only person to have served both as the Assistant Secretary for OSHA and the head of the OSHA Review Commission, so he will surely have an insider's perspective on what is in store.  

Webniar is free registration is at this URL:

Edwin G. Foulke of Fisher & Phillips and Adam Finkel of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and University of Michigan School of Public Health discuss what a Trump administration might mean for occupational safety and health. Specifically, they'll discuss how OSHA's priorities and budget may change, as well as how current standards may be changed or revised under a new administration.

Educational Objectives:
• How OSHA's regulatory agenda may change in a Trump administration. What will be the likely priorities of any new rulemaking? Can Trump pursue a policy of vigorous deregulation and still be the voice of blue-collar workers nationwide?
• How current OSHA standards, directives, memoranda and interpretative letters could be changed or revised during the Trump administration.
• How the anticipated Trump administration change in focus to compliance assistance could impact employers, employees and unions. How could this shift be similar to, or different from, the course change OSHA underwent when George W. Bush replaced Bill Clinton?
• How OSHA's whistleblower enforcement may change and the impact on employers, employees and unions.
• How OSHA's budget might be affected in a Trump administration.
• Which policy innovations, rejected by previous administrations of both parties, might get a new hearing under Trump.

Who would benefit most from attending this program?
EHS professionals, occupational safety & health attorneys, worker advocates