Mar 27, 2020

Webinar COVID-19: Transportation Workers--Impact of Emergency Declarations and Other Occupational Health Issues

COVID-19: Transportation Workers--Impact of Emergency Declarations and Other Occupational Health Issues

COVID-19 has affected many industries including transportation. Truck drivers and many other transportation workers have been identified as essential critical infrastructure workers during this pandemic. Commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers and others face unique challenges during normal operations, but during this crisis, many of their routine regulatory, health and safety, and lifestyle challenges have become more complicated. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) have issued several emergency declarations and guidance documents including those affecting CMV medical examinations and drug and alcohol testing.

During this webinar, Dr. Natalie Hartenbaum, co-chair of ACOEM's Transportation Section, will discuss the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic by those in the transportation industry with a focus on truck drivers. She will review pertinent regulatory relief and other guidance provided by DOT or the transportation agencies which relate to the occupational health professional. This webinar is brought to you with support from the ACOEM Transportation Section.

Natalie P. Hartenbaum, MD, MPH, FACOEM
President and Chief Medical Officer of OccuMedix
Dresher, PA

Mar 30, 2020 12:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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