Jul 1, 2021

COVID-19 pandemic reflects an abrupt drop of between 86% and 94% in preventive cancer screenings

Conducting population health management is challenging for most health care entities. Doing it during the COVID-19 pandemic makes it exponentially more difficult.

Provider support of chronic care patients has been achieved via telehealth more over the past year than ever before. This is an exciting improvement, but it comes at a price – screenings for both adults and children have declined steeply due to the pandemic. According to the Epic Health Research Network, EHR data showed an abrupt drop of between 86 and 94 percent in preventive cancer screenings performed across the United States in spring 2020 compared to 2017-2019 historical averages.

"Telehealt" may provide some solutions....

Read more from  "Population Health Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic"