Oct 7, 2006

French pledge support to diesel-electric hybrids

Right on the heels of Toyota's European chief executive saying that there's no viable market for diesel-electric hybrids, Auto Industry is reporting that Dominique de Villepin, the Prime Minister of France (pictured) declared that he would do everything in his power to assure the development of those costly, dual-premium power trains.
The drive train Villepin has in mind would consume 30 percent less fuel than a conventional diesel and 25 percent less than a gas-electric hybrid. It's not yet clear which companies would be involved in the project, but Auto Industry notes that U.K. firm Ricardo has worked as the principal engineering consultant on a diesel-electric hybrid for Peugeot Citroen as recent as this year.

(Photo: (c) David Mendiboure - Service photo de Matignon / Service photographique du Premier ministre)

[Source: Auto Industry-http://www.autobloggreen.com]