Nov 17, 2006

Hydrogen Reader Comments

"The "Hydrogen Economy" is D.O.A. It's a diversion. It's a way for our dollars to be funneled to the current energy monopolies. Don't let them sucker us yet again like they did when we went form battery cars to gasoline. Energy storage by hydrogen is only 25 % efficient at best. The remaining 75% or more are lost in electrolysis, compression or liquefaction, transportation and fuel cell and we have no hydrogen infrastructure for this BOMB. They are wasting their time and stealing our money! Producing and storing electricity in batteries is over 85% efficient and the infrastructure has been here for many years. See Comparison. We can use off-peak grid or make our own electricity with solar & wind etc. A Series Plug-n Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV-60) with a Bio-diesel or VegOil (we can make that too) micro-turbine auxiliary power unit (APU) will give us the range, power and quick refuel capability of liquid fuel and average well over 100 miles/gal. Bio-Diesel PHEVs are far more efficient than hydrogen fuel cells will ever be and they're carbon neutral to boot. Heck, even methanol is a superior energy carrier to Hydrogen. Bio-Diesel PHEVs were ready years ago. The new NanoSafe quick charge L-Ion battery and Supercapacitor technology only makes them better. Unfortunately, the Funds that own 59% of GM also own at least 10 times that much in oil company stocks. killed the electric…..? If you own any of these funds, you did. Most people simply want to reduce their monthly fuel bill! Hydrogen Barons... NOT AGAIN!