Jun 6, 2007

Proposed standard to bring Green building practices mainstream

From- Plant Engineering,
A proposed new standard that will provide minimum guidelines for green building practices is nearly complete and has been released for public review and comment.
Standard 189P: Standard for the Design of High-Performance Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings will provide a baseline for sustainable design, construction and operations in order to drive green building into mainstream building practices. It will apply to new commercial buildings and major renovation projects and will address key areas of performance including energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, sustainable site selection, water usage, materials and resources and indoor environmental quality.
"Standard 189P will become the benchmark for all sustainable green buildings in the United States because it is being developed for inclusion into building codes," said John Hogan, chair of the Standard 189P project committee. "This means that owners and designers will have a consensus-based document that will set the minimum criteria that a building must satisfy in order to be considered a green building."

Comments on the standard will be accepted through July 9, 2007 at www.ashrae.org/publicreviews. The standard is being developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers in conjunction with the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America and the U.S. Green Building Council.
Click here to read the full press release.