New "H Prize" Offers $1 Million for Improved Hydrogen Storage
To overcome a critical barrier to the success of hydrogen-fueled vehicles, DOE has launched the $1 million H-Prize competition. The winner will create the most advanced materials for hydrogen storage in vehicles.
DOE to Offer $454 Million for "Retrofit Ramp-Ups" in Energy Efficiency
DOE unveiled the "Retrofit Ramp-Up" program on September 14. Using $454 million in Recovery Act funds under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program, the goal is to roll out energy efficiency to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in a variety of U.S. communities.
DOE Delivers $354 Million for Energy Efficiency Projects in 22 States
DOE has awarded $354 million from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to 22 states under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program.
DOE Delivers $60 Million in Recovery Act Funds for Weatherization
Boosting energy efficiency for the homes of low-income families, DOE has delivered $60 million to American Samoa, the Northern Arapaho Tribe, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
DOE Awards $14.6 Million to Develop Water Power Technologies
Hydropower projects ranging from studies of the environmental impact of water power technologies to development of hydrokinetic devices are in the latest round of DOE awards.
Read more from EERE (DOE) website