Market Based Demand Cases (Tons per year needed
- Low demand case 1 917 990
- Middle demand case 4 158 280
- High demand case 6 406 190
The conclusions of a World Nuclear Association report,The Global Nuclear Fuel Market Supply and Demand 2009-2030 are the nuclear energy's fuel supply infrastructure should be able to meet world demand in the short term, but expansion will be needed across the entire fuel cycle beyond 2020.
Three scenarios presented for world nuclear capacity up to 2030, only the lower scenario sees nuclear generation failing to increase above its 2008 level of 371 GWe. The reference scenario sees an overall 2.2% growth rate reaching 476 GWe by 2020 and 600 GWe by 2030, while the upper scenario sees 558 GWe by 2020 and 818 GWe by 2030.
The report uses information gathered via questionnaires from WNA members representing all aspects of the fuel cycle across the globe. A computer model is then used to forecast nuclear fuel supply and demand to 2030.
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