Oct 14, 2009

Most Green Labels Fail to Catch Shoppers' Eyes, Survey Finds

From greenbiz According to a recent survey of the more than 400 green labels on products have failed to make any mark in the minds of shoppers, and that among those that people are familiar with, there is very little trust in those labels.

The most familiar labels are the Recycling symbol, the U.S. government's Energy Star label, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Organic label. Recycling and Energy Star are the most visible labels, with 89 percent and 87 percent recognition, respectively. The Organic label has 62 percent recognition, and the remaining labels fall off quickly from there. (See chart below for full results.)

Figure 1
Beyond the familiarity (or lack thereof), the survey found that only two of these labels are high on shoppers' radars: 31 percent say they "always" buy Energy Star-labeled products, and 20 percent say they "always" buy Recyclable.

Please read full at greenbiz