Nov 17, 2009

Obama's Radioactive Regulator and Chu's $100 billion nuclear start

MotherJones - Why did the White House pick a cheerleader for nuclear energy to oversee the industry?

Should a booster of nuclear power with undisclosed business connections to nuclear energy firms be allowed to regulate the industry? By nominating William Magwood to serve on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, President Barack Obama is doing just that. More at MotherJones

(Bloomberg) Chu told reporters on Capitol Hill the loan guarantee program for developers of new nuclear power plants is “clearly inadequate” to make the construction of new nuclear reactors in the U.S. financially viable.

The NEI said Congress should approve another $100 billion in loan guarantees for nuclear plants and other energy sources that don’t emit carbon dioxide. When asked about the NEI proposal, Chu said the Obama administration is “looking at all the things that are within our control to actually restart the nuclear industry.”