Mar 11, 2010

Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) probe non-work activities 'intrusive & violates privacy'.

Cal/OSHA inspectors are loudly protesting a Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) probe into their outside activities that they say is unnecessarily intrusive and violates their privacy. HTML clipboard

"Be overly inclusive," DIR directed DOSH employees.
...Inspectors are being required to disclose teaching, training or presentation activities for their entire tenure at DOSH. One DOSH official is reported to have told employees that they should disclose such activities as teaching a CPR course or coaching a children's soccer team. They also have been instructed to preserve written and electronic documents, including those on home computers, prompting one inspector to raise the specter of employees' homes being searched.

Unions representing Division of Occupational Safety and Health personnel have demanded that DIR scale back the audit, which was triggered after an inspector was alleged to have improperly participated in safety instruction for compensation. The inspector has since resigned.   Please read full from Cal-OSHA FLASH REPORT