BreakitDownblog... an email by Scott McNeil
Products labeled "organic" must consist of at least 95 percent organically produced ingredients (excluding water and salt). Any remaining product ingredients must consist of nonagricultural substances approved on the National List including specific non-organically produced agricultural products that are not commercially available in organic form.
In the same QAI document listed above, QAI states:
"Regulation 7 CFR 205.670 does not require residue testing. Products may be tested by a certification agency for pesticide or GMO contamination issues in response to a complaint and/or if there is "reason" to believe that there are contamination issues."
This means that QAI is not obliged to test any food product originating from anywhere in the world before labeling them "Organic". FAIL!
Read full at BreakitDownblog
This all started with a news piece done by the ABC 7 I-Team investigation group that you can watch here:
"Organic" food made in China - Video