Mar 12, 2010

Googles solar breakthrough won't change solid math...

Google's high-profile plan to develop renewable energy that is cheaper than coal could soon bear fruit, after the search giant revealed it has developed a new mirror technology that could slash the cost of building a solar thermal plant.

Bill Weihl, Google's green czar, told the news agency that if development and testing go well, he could see the product being ready for commercial-scale deployment in one to three years. "Things have progressed," he said. "We have an internal prototype."

As long ago as November 2007, announced its Renewable Energy Cheaper Than Coal initiative, a project that will invest upwards of several hundred million dollars to produce renewable energy that can compete with fossil fuels without resorting to government subsidy. Solar thermal technologies have emerged as a major focus area as they already represent the most cost-effective forms of solar energy available. -  businessgreen

Google best math = solar can not be economically sustainable this decade.
And after that, it is a little late to help.

Unless googles Green czar thinks his low-cost heliostat technology would cut costs 10 fold... he is only helping bury our nation deeper in the 'unicorn power delusion'

Government mandates and subsidies often hide the true cost of solar energy, but these additional costs must be carried by others (i.e. same people who's taxes induce the same subsidized self inflicted headshot on solar).

'sustainable' means selecting the most environmentally and financially sound long term energy solutions. 

The Cater solar ERA already proved my point... ouch.

Really google, you need to look at my EROEI numbers, they are undeniable.

Haase- Maybe when google wants to make the energy efforts a reality and financially sustainable.... they will give me a call about our gCommunities project?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein