I find it tragically ironic that the same agency that offers us some many good tools to measure and track building and energy efficiencies isn't using any?
NY Times — Like flossing or losing weight, saving energy is easier to promise than to actually do — even if you are the Department of Energy.
... the department is having trouble taking its own advice, according to an internal audit released on Wednesday; many of its offices are still installing obsolete fluorescent bulbs.
The problem is not ignorance, the report suggests. For example, the department helped develop a technology called spectrally enhanced lighting that gives off light at wavelengths that mimic the sun. Officials at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago told the auditors that that they could reduce energy consumption by 50 percent by switching to the new technology from old fluorescents.
But of seven sites, with 96 buildings in all, that the auditors visited, only two used the enhanced lighting. In many cases buildings were using fluorescents introduced 40 years ago.
In February 2008, the department adopted a new policy for taking its savings from energy conservation and reinvesting them in new conservation measures. But the auditors found that “there was no departmentwide system in place to track or calculate reinvestments of energy savings.”
Of the seven sites visited, only one had a system in place for even identifying the savings, the auditors said. - NY Times
Really NYT? Did you see:

Haase- I realize that historically our government does not "practice what it preaches" (OSHA rules do not apply to them)... but the The Federal Government has the largest workforce, that employees the most contractors that use the most services in the entire U.S..(1)
They are also the largest user of building energy and are the third largest consumer of OIL in the world.(2)
We are talking about over 3% of the U.S. population that uses over 30% of our energy here folks?
Imagine if they simply applied that same industry standards for building, waste and energy efficiencies they are seeking in the private sector?
Better yet, simply imposed the same fuel, emissions, solar and building initiatives they are asking the private sector to 'save money doing'
Hiring private sector experts to implement, audit and guarantee cost savings (that's what we do out in the private sector) would create 1000's of jobs and reduce billion$ of tax payers bills. While actually make a 'tangible' dent in our energy and environmental dreams.
And if I am correct Obama backed my rant here, and I believe he actually wants to see this happen with his executive order demanding it.
It is time to walk the walk. "Green buildings have proven to save massive costs and increase workforce productivity"
If my math is correct and my data solid (and they are)... just the the government sector following through on this commitment would make a larger impact than any 'cap n trade, tax or carbon scheme on the table.
(1) Source BLS
(2) American Petroleum Institute
(3) Wikipedia
(4) Simply apply AIA 2030 to our government using 'now technology' (5) (proposed AIA 2030) the U.S. would reduce CO2 emissions to 40 to 60% below 1990 levels by 2050.
As every GOV employee who has worked with me knows... I am here to support and help. Here are some good facts for your crews to get started (want more shoot me an email):
"Stronger and Happier Workforces through Green Design" Has proven:
- DOE's energy Commercial Building Partnerships (CBP)?
- Federal Buildings Go Green with $4 Billion in Recovery Act Funds
- DOE documentshow to achieve 50% energy savings in commercial building sector
- And what about EnergyPlus and OpenStudio?

Haase- I realize that historically our government does not "practice what it preaches" (OSHA rules do not apply to them)... but the The Federal Government has the largest workforce, that employees the most contractors that use the most services in the entire U.S..(1)
They are also the largest user of building energy and are the third largest consumer of OIL in the world.(2)
We are talking about over 3% of the U.S. population that uses over 30% of our energy here folks?
Imagine if they simply applied that same industry standards for building, waste and energy efficiencies they are seeking in the private sector?
Better yet, simply imposed the same fuel, emissions, solar and building initiatives they are asking the private sector to 'save money doing'
Hiring private sector experts to implement, audit and guarantee cost savings (that's what we do out in the private sector) would create 1000's of jobs and reduce billion$ of tax payers bills. While actually make a 'tangible' dent in our energy and environmental dreams.
And if I am correct Obama backed my rant here, and I believe he actually wants to see this happen with his executive order demanding it.
It is time to walk the walk. "Green buildings have proven to save massive costs and increase workforce productivity"

(1) Source BLS
(2) American Petroleum Institute
(3) Wikipedia
(4) Simply apply AIA 2030 to our government using 'now technology' (5) (proposed AIA 2030) the U.S. would reduce CO2 emissions to 40 to 60% below 1990 levels by 2050.
As every GOV employee who has worked with me knows... I am here to support and help. Here are some good facts for your crews to get started (want more shoot me an email):
"Stronger and Happier Workforces through Green Design" Has proven:
- 93 % reported a greater ability to attract talent;
- 81 % saw greater employee retention;
- 87 % experienced an improvement in workforce productivity;
- 75 % reported improvements in employee health;
- 100 % experienced an increase in goodwill/brand equity.