Does this ring a bell?
I did not ask for a handout or loan. I openly offered you an investment with a three to five year return with the intention of doubling profits in 5 building sustainable communities. With the condition I would not directly receive any of the money.
Hey google guys... I will STILL make good on my commitment to save this country... will you?
If yes, Gmail is ehsdirector(at)gmail.com
- Maybe now goolge will pay up...
- No love lost with google... just disenchantment in project 10^100
- Official Google Blog: An update from the Project 10^100 team
NOTE: I have lost no love for googles awesome web tools, alternative energy programs or open source projects that have helped raise the cumulative intellect and technology advancements of the world, just a little disenchanted by one overly hyped 'prize contest' I got sucked into.
I thought it was the 'something bigger' that google is known for.
Source CNN/Wired