Dec 3, 2010

Poo powered laptop

Harvard Engineering Team Working On Biogas-Powered Laptop

Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences,  Micro  Solid-Oxide Fuel Cell, methane powered laptop, Shriram Ramanathan,  Shriram Ramanathan methane, Shriram Ramanathan micro solid oxide fuel  cell, methane fuel cell

Biogas is rapidly becoming a popular source of renewable energy, and now a team at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences is investigating a method to use methane in laptop fuel cells and batteries. While methane is technically a fossil fuel (as a component of natural gas), it is also created during the break-down of biomass. With that in mind, the Harvard team are investigating a method to create fuel cells that are not only powered using renewable sources, but also don't use expensive materials such as platinum.  inhabitat