Jan 12, 2011

UPDATED- EPA Superfund, TRI, EPCRA, RMP and Oil Information Available

The following is an update from EPA's Superfund, TRI, EPCRA, RMP & Oil Information Center:
On December 16, 2010, EPA released the 2009 TRI National Analysis, an annual report that displays EPA's analysis of the most recent TRI data.  It includes a variety of documents and Web sites that outline national and local trends in toxic chemical disposal or other releases to the environment, as well as trends in toxic chemicals managed by TRI facilities. 

For 2009, EPA has added three new resources
into the National Anal
ysis including an overview of the National Analysis with additional context and explanation, briefing slides that show high-level messages and trends, and three geographic-specific analyses that highlight urban communities, large aquatic ecosystems, and Indian country and Alaska Native Villages.

In reporting year 2009 (RY09), 20,797 facilities reported 3.42 billion pounds of toxic chemicals disposed of or otherwise released into the environment, down 12% from 2008 to 2009.

Access to the 2009 National Analysis is available at the following URL: