May 7, 2011

White House Explains Transport - Energy Future

The White House Blog, the President (ok, Jesse Lee ) released an infographic showing various facts about transportation energy, and how current gas prices need not be so worrisome. Highlights include rapidly increasing domestic production and rapidly decreasing prices for electric-car batteries, requesting Congress to shift tax breaks from oil producers to wind/solar/geothermal energy producers, and increasing domestic oil production (yes, there's a conflict there)." - SlashDot

The Presidential Energy Staff Knows I love Infographics ;-)
Hey Jesse did you hear a teenager is trying to sue you for "not doing" this stuff you are planing on doing?

Maybe he should sue China, because ANY and ALL energy or environmental conservation action the U.S. takes are miniscule compared to the MASSIVE toll India and  China will have on our planet in the next decade.

EPA Chief: "U.S. action alone will not impact CO2 levels"

Really - They need to be in our game plan guys.

chart of the day, coal-fired electricity generation by region, nov 2010

Really. Seriously guys...
Contact me Jesse and we can talk about it for the 2012 election.