On Thursday, March 15th, 2:00-3:00 PM Eastern (11:00-12:00 PM Pacific)
Practice Greenhealth launched the Greening the OR Initiative in response to member requests and compelling research indicating the operating room, while a huge revenue generator, is also a significant contributor to the hospital’s waste, supply, and energy streams, thus a high-impact area for greening efforts. The Initiative is designed to coalesce the body of knowledge around sustainable practices in the OR, substantiate these practices with data and case studies, and develop guidance for implementation that can be shared across the sector. A little under two years since its inception, the Greening the OR Initiative continues to grow and develop, encompassing all facets of the healthcare sector in this collaborative effort. Hospitals, suppliers, clinicians and manufacturers have all had a hand in pushing this Initiative forward, with new opportunities for involvement and collaboration continuously developing. Join in this webinar to learn more about the Greening the OR
Practice Greenhealth launched the Greening the OR Initiative in response to member requests and compelling research indicating the operating room, while a huge revenue generator, is also a significant contributor to the hospital’s waste, supply, and energy streams, thus a high-impact area for greening efforts. The Initiative is designed to coalesce the body of knowledge around sustainable practices in the OR, substantiate these practices with data and case studies, and develop guidance for implementation that can be shared across the sector. A little under two years since its inception, the Greening the OR Initiative continues to grow and develop, encompassing all facets of the healthcare sector in this collaborative effort. Hospitals, suppliers, clinicians and manufacturers have all had a hand in pushing this Initiative forward, with new opportunities for involvement and collaboration continuously developing. Join in this webinar to learn more about the Greening the OR