Nov 18, 2019

Wisconsin Announces Multi-Agency Coordinating Council for PFAS, Begins Process for Additional PFAS Rulemaking

(Michael Best & Friedrich LLP) Today, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) began the process of implementing another priority in Governor Evers' Executive Order #40 by creating the Wisconsin Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Action Council or "WisPAC." The Council will be led by DNR and will coordinate PFAS-related activities among state agencies and develop a PFAS plan of action for the state. DNR Secretary Preston Cole began today's kick-off meeting by emphasizing that DNR has a "responsibility to the public to get this right" and, in order to do so, will be engaging in a public process to solicit input from all interested parties.

WisPAC's Charge

WisPAC's Coordinating Council is chaired by DNR Secretary Cole and includes a long list of additional state agencies and related affiliates members – fifteen of them as of now – including the Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA), Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP), Children and Families (DCF), Commissioner of Insurance, Corrections (DOC), Health Services (DHS), Military Affairs (DMA), Public Institution (DPI), Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC), Revenue (DOR), Safety and Professional Services (DSPS), State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH), Transportation (DOT), Veteran Affairs (WDVA) and the UW System.

As announced, this group will:

  • Create a multi-agency PFAS action plan
  • Develop protocols to inform educate and engage the public
  • Identify likely sources and add to action plan
  • Find best practices for PFAS sources and add to action plan
  • Develop standard, cost-effective and effective testing & treatment protocols with stakeholders
  • Engage academic institutions and other experts
  • Explore funding avenues to assist state & local governments, private parties

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