Nov 17, 2005

Can environmental regulation lead to a more competitive environment?

"Can environmental regulation lead to a more competitive environment?
Apperently so. In the context of the current EU focus on growth and jobs, a paper is being published to review the evidence on the links between environmental regulation and competitiveness.

The Network of Heads of European Environmental Protection Agencies submits this paper as its contribution to the current debate.

What are the main findings?
It finds that a modern approach to regulation can reduce costs for industry and business; create markets for environmental goods and services; drive innovation; reduce business risk and increase the confidence of the investment markets and insurers; assist competitive advantage and create competitive markets; create and sustain jobs; improve the health of the workforce and the wider public; and protect the natural resources on which business and we all depend.

What are the main conclusions?
The paper concludes that there is now significant evidence from international research that good environmental management and regulation does not impede overall competitiveness and economic development. On the contrary, it can be beneficial by creating pressure that drives innovation and alerts business about resource inefficiencies and new opportunities."