Aug 31, 2011
U.S. Solar Product Exports Rose 83% Last Year on Sales to China
'Green Scissors' Proposes Hundreds of Billions in Cuts to Federal Giveaways
The report, "Green Scissors 2011," identifies cuts to "wasteful spending that harms the environment," that would save $380 billion over five years, the groups said in a statement.
That amounts to about a quarter of the savings the new congressional Super Committee has been charged with achieving, in half the time, the groups point out. "The place to start trimming government spending is where Congress is putting money into the pockets of polluters," they say.
Bureau of Land Management Timber Sale marker near Garnet, Montana (Photo by Heather Andrews) |
The groups propose cutting many fossil fuel, nuclear and alternative energy subsidies. Other targets include giveaways of publicly-owned timber, precious metals, oil and natural gas; "poorly conceived" road projects; and a host of "questionable" water projects planned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
"These common sense cuts represent the lowest of the low hanging budgetary fruit," said Ryan Alexander, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, one of the four groups that wrote the report.
"Lawmakers across the political spectrum should be scrambling to eliminate these examples of wasteful spending and unnecessary tax breaks that are squandering our precious tax dollars while the nation is staring into a chasm of debt," Alexander said...
"We can go a long way toward solving our nation's budget problems by cutting spending that harms the environment, and this report provides the Super Committee with a road map," said Friends of the Earth climate and energy tax analyst Ben Schreiber. "At a time of great polarization, Super Committee members can and should find common ground by ending wasteful polluter giveaways."
Read full at ENS NewsMaking Fuel With Newspapers and Bacteria
Alloy Could Produce Hydrogen Fuel Using Sunlight
Earthquake may have exceeded Virginia nuclear plant's safeguards
Aug 28, 2011
Gibson Guitar Frets: Environmental Enforcement Leaves Musicians in Fear
"Surprisingly, musicians, who represent some of the most savvy, ecologically minded people around, are resistant to anything about changing the tone of their guitars," he said. You could mark that up to hypocrisy—artsy do-gooders only too eager to tell others what kind of light bulbs they have to buy won't make sacrifices when it comes to their own passions. Then again, maybe it isn't hypocrisy to recognize that art makes claims significant enough to compete with environmentalists' agendas.Read more from WallStreetJournal
Raising food prices on poor and middle class investors move to food stocks
MSN - "Forget stocks; buy food"
Agriculture commodities are on the move, breaking out of consolidation for the first time since last summer.
It's been a tough summer for stocks and other risky assets -- but the same can't be said for agricultural commodities. Hot, dry drought conditions have ruined crops all across the American growing regions. At the same time, demand remains robust thanks to the big appetites of newly empowered eaters in the developing world The combination of tighter supply and stronger demand is sending prices higher once more. As a result, as a group agricultural goods are pushing up and out of a long seven-month downtrend dating back to February. A powerful new uptrend is being established. Here's how to take advantage. - Read full report here if you can stomach it
1 in 5 children in poverty in the...USA becomes Food Stamp Nation
Nearly 1 in 5 children lived in poverty in the U.S. in 2009. That’s 15 million kids. Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi ranked lowest on the study’s 10 indicators of child well-being. New Hampshire, Minnesota and Massachusetts ranked highest.
Altogether, there are now almost 46 million people in the United States on food stamps, roughly 15 percent of the population. That's an increase of 74 percent since 2007, just before the financial crisis and a deep recession led to mass job losses.
At the same time, the cost doubled to reach $68 billion in 2010 -- more than a third of the amount the U.S. government received in corporate income tax last year -Read full at Yahoo News
Aug 26, 2011
Project Uses Nature’s Inspiration to Create Zero-Waste Farms
Brazilian wind power cheaper than natural gas
Seventy-eight wind power projects won contracts in last week's energy auctions held by Brazil's National Electric Power Agency, totalling 1,928MW and priced at approximately 99.5 reals (£37.4) per MWh. By comparison, the average price for power generated with natural gas is currently 103 reals (£38.7) per MWh in Brazil, while the average price for energy determined through the auctions was 102.07 reals per MWh. According to Brazil's Energy Research Company (EPE), wind power is also now trading around 19 per cent cheaper per MWh than the average price in Brazil last year, suggesting the price of the technology is becoming a more competitive. EPE president and chief executive Mauricio Tolmasquim said the auctions show that wind and natural gas are competitive, predicting wind prices will continue to fall in Brazil."That wind power plants have been contracted at two digit prices, below 100 reals per MWh, showcases the energy market competition through auctions," he said. "That wind power could reach these lows versus natural gas was unimaginable until recently."
Read more from buisnessgreen
Russia Green Lights $65 Billion Siberia-Alaska Rail and Tunnel to Bridge the Bering Strait
Inhabitat reports (quoting World Architecture News and The Times - the LaRouchies also seem to have an interest in the topic) that Russia has "approved" the long talked about Bering Strait rail tunnel / energy corridor - a critical component in Bucky Fuller's vision of a global energy grid - Russia Green Lights $65 Billion Siberia-Alaska Rail and Tunnel to Bridge the Bering Strait!. The Register notes "this time its chances of actually being built are strengthened by a 500-mile link from the existing Trans-Siberian line to the Eastern Siberian city of Yakutsk, scheduled for completion in 2013" - however I don't think anyone is holding their breath waiting for tunnel construction to start.
The high speed railway and tunnel will be a private public partnership whose economic impact could be startling. 100 million tons of freight could be moved per year using the most efficient known way of transport. Proposed tidal energy plants could provide 10 gigawatts of energy and a string of wind power fields could churn a constant supply of clean energy, serving as a vital link to a worldwide energy grid. The tunnel alone would take fifteen years to complete — and an energy and railway network would take many more — but the project would significantly change the shipping and energy industry.
Aug 24, 2011
Portable House, Simple Life
Dee shows us her warm and comfy 7x12 foot house, how she meets city codes, and some unusual ways this life has affected her. Her advice to wannabe tiny home builders: Take on the experiment. Just do it!
German Village Produces 321% More Energy Than It Needs
Aug 23, 2011
Germany Makes Facebook “Like” Button Illegal
“Websites in Schleswig-Holstein must remove their Facebook Like button by the end of September 2011 or they will face a fine of up to €50,000 ($72,000).”
Northern Germany has announced that the Like button, with its ability to track a user’s movement across the internet, violates German and European privacy law. But without tracking plugins, how will corporations and advertisers record our activities and interests, so that they can better serve and satisfy?
Aug 22, 2011
More talk and do nothing campaigns ... latest social engineering $hit by MTV make our youth sheep
No this is not a "onion joke site" this is really a campaign. Haase - I'm pretty sure just giving a sh*t ain't gonna do sh%t
Lighting Improvements Provide Easy Energy Savings Including New Florescent and LED Lamps - Free P2 Webinar
Lighting improvements are one of the easiest and most cost-effective energy improvements for businesses. Financial incentives are often provided by utility companies and local energy efficiency programs. Learn how to save money and energy through lighting improvements. This seminar will focus on industrial and warehouse applications. It will cover information about various light sources and control devices plus important aspects to consider when making changes. Case studies of lighting changeouts including analysis and cost savings will be presented. Title: Lighting Improvements Provide Easy Energy Savings
Date: Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDTClick here to Reserve your Webinar seat now This webinar will provide background information on lighting terms, trends in lighting (including new florescent and LED lamps), legislation which will change what's available to purchase, and technology comparisons, plus case studies from the heartland. It should be well worth your hour to learn this information, especially if you're considering changing your lighting any time soon. This webinar is the last of four webinars designed to help companies reduce energy use and conserve materials. A booklet of case studies (Easy Material and Energy Savings) and the other webinars (energy savings from compressed air, material savings from packaging, and solvent substitution) are available at
Costco Removes Electric Vehicle Chargers...Citing a Lack of Usage
Getting ready for a wave of coal-plant shutdowns
Industry groups such the Edison Electric Institute, which represents investor-owned utilities, and the American Legislative Exchange Council have dubbed the coming rules “EPA’s Regulatory Train Wreck.” The regulations, they say, will cost utilities up to $129 billion and force them to retire one-fifth of coal capacity. Given that coal provides 45 percent of the country’s power, that means higher electric bills, more blackouts and fewer jobs. The doomsday scenario has alarmed Republicans in the House, who have been scrambling to block the measures. Environmental groups retort that the rules will bring sizeable public health benefits, and that industry groups have been exaggerating the costs of environmental regulations since they were first created.
"The CRS report also agrees with green groups that the benefits of these new rules shouldn’t be downplayed...EPA estimates that an air-transport rule to clamp down on smog-causing sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide would help prevent 21,000 cases of bronchitis and 23,000 heart attacks, and save 36,000 lives. That’s, at the high end, $290 billion in health benefits, compared with $2.8 billion per year in costs (according to the EPA) by 2014. “In most cases,” CRS concludes, “the benefits are larger.”
So, who’s right? This month, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, which conducts policy research for members of Congress, has been circulating a paper that tries to calmly sort through the shouting match. Thanks to The Hill’s Andrew Restuccia, it’s now available (PDF) for all to read. And the upshot is that CRS is awfully skeptical of the “train wreck” predictions.
CRS notes that many of the plants most affected by the new EPA rules were facing extinction anyway: “Many of these plants are inefficient and are being replaced by more efficient combined cycle natural gas plants, a development likely to be encouraged if the price of competing fuel—natural gas—continues to be low, almost regardless of EPA rules.”... Granted, those upgrades and changes won’t be free. The CRS report doesn’t try to independently evaluate the costs of the new rules, noting that they will depend on site-specific factors and will vary by utility and state. (Matthew Wald recently wrote a helpful piece in The New York Times looking at how utilities might cope.) But, the report says, industry group estimates are almost certainly overstated. For one, they were analyzing early EPA draft proposals, and in many cases, the agency has tweaked its rules to allay industry concerns. And many of the EPA’s rules are almost certain to get bogged down in court or delayed for years, which means that utilities will have more time to adapt than they fear.
...Granted, few would expect this report to change many minds in Congress. Just 10 days ago, Michele Bachmann was on the campaign trail promising that if she becomes president, “I guarantee you the EPA will have doors locked and lights turned off, and they will only be about conservation.” That doesn’t sound like someone who’s waiting for a little more data before assessing the impact of the new regulations.
Read full at Washington Post
Aug 21, 2011
Chevy VOLT sales die... after costing tax payers million$
The Chevy Volt has only sold about 3,200 units thus far...Nevertheless, Government Motors is ramping up for more Volt production. According to Yahoo Auto news, GM is forecasting “sales of around 16,000 for the year as a whole, with 40,000 sold by 2012. The problem is said to be the price of the Volt, which is a massive understatement, because everyone buying a Volt is understating the price. No one purchasing a Volt has the faintest clue what it really costs, because of all the taxpayer subsidies plowed into production, and hefty rebates offered at the point of sale. $400 million in federal subsidies were extracted from the taxpayer to fund Volt production, and buyers have enjoyed a $7500 federal tax credit. That means each of the 3200 Volts sold thus far has rolled out of the lot with $132,500 in taxpayer subsidies stuffed in the glove compartment. They sticker at $41,000, so that means each Volt sold thus far actually costs $173,500, with only $33,500 paid by the actual purchaser.
NASDAQ - will gas be $5 soon, causing next great depression?
....psychological levels and outlook are important factors in the oil-GDP equation.
If the average U.S. price of gasoline, currently about $3.69 per gallon for regular unleaded as measured by , rises and stays above $4 per gallon, that would cause consumers to forecast that 'higher gasoline prices here to stay,' and they'll likely adjust their discretionary spending. Similarly, an oil price that rises and stays above $100 per barrel has a similar psychological effect.
Now here's the sobering news: there are scenarios that could push U.S. gasoline prices above $5 per gallon in 2011:
a) a U.S. Government default that causes institutional investors to dump U.S. Government bonds, triggering a plunge in the dollar, pushing up oil's price
b) any sustained unrest in another oil producing nation in the Middle East; or
c) stronger growth in Asia/Latin America emerging market economies, most of which are registering large annual percentage increases in oil consumption.
Energy/Economic Analysis: Again, the U.S. economy can still grow with oil at $100 per barrel and gasoline at $3.70 per gallon, but the chance for strong GDP growth above 4% with those energy prices is slim. Further, if Brent oil ventures toward $120, then $130, with gasoline trending toward $4.50 per gallon, oil enters the danger zone -- compelling wide-spread consumer and commercial cutbacks - Read on at NASDAQ
The explosive truth behind Fukushima's meltdown
Related U.S. Problems???
Alabama Nuclear Reactor, Partly Built, to Be Finished - The directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority unanimously approved a plan on Thursday to finish the partly built Bellefonte 1 nuclear reactor, a project on which the authority spent billions of dollars in the 1970s and ’80s but dropped in 1988 because of cost overruns and declining estimates of power demand.
Aug 19, 2011
13-Year-Old Teen Finds Solar Power Breakthrough
Oil Rising Again from Old Deepwater Horizon Site?
Reliable sources tell us that BP has hired 40 boats from Venice to Grand Isle to lay boom around the Deepwater Horizon site – located just 50 miles off the Louisiana coast. The fleet rushed to the scene late last week and worked through the weekend to contain what was becoming a massive slick at the site of the Macondo wellhead, which was officially “killed” back in September 2010. The truly frightening part of this development, as reported in a previous post , is the oil may be coming from cracks and fissures in the seafloor caused by the work BP did during its failed attempts to cap the runaway Macondo Well – and that type of leakage can’t be stopped, ever. Read full from Stuarth Smith
Aug 18, 2011
EIA reports 3.9% increase in U.S. energy-related emissions in 2010
U.S. carbon dioxide emissions from the consumption of fossil fuels were 5,638 million metric tons carbon dioxide (MMTCO2) in 2010, an increase of 3.9 percent from the 2009 level, according to Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions, 2010, an online analysis released today by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). This is the largest percentage increase in U.S. energy-related carbon dioxide emissions since 1988. However emissions are still 6 percent below the 2005 level.
Among the factors that influenced the rise in emissions was an increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 3.0 percent. In addition, the energy intensity of the U.S. economy, measured as energy consumed per dollar of GDP (Energy/GDP), increased by 0.7 percent in 2010. There was also a slight increase in the carbon dioxide intensity of U.S. energy supply (CO2 per unit of energy) in 2010, which is in contrast to a drop of 2.4 percent in 2009. Consumption of coal, the most carbon-intensive fossil fuel, rose by 6 percent in 2010 after falling by 12 percent in 2009.
"The 3.9 percent increase in emissions in 2010 was primarily driven by the rebound from the economic downturn experienced in 2008 and 2009. The Reference case in our latest energy outlook projects significantly slower emissions growth over the next decade, averaging 0.2 percent per year," said Acting EIA Administrator Howard Gruenspecht.
This analysis can be found at:
For First Time, More Corn Used for Ethanol Than Livestock
That fuel now tops livestock as the primary user of corn struck at least one observer as noteworthy. “That’s a first-time-ever type of change,” University of Missouri Extension economist Ron Plain said in a statement released by the university. “For forever,” Plain said, “ feed was the largest single use of corn.”
The news comes as criticism that pro-ethanol subsidies and policies are raising food prices globally seems to be reaching a crescendo. Critics didn’t seem to latch onto the USDA’s market prediction, however. The USDA Thursday lowered its soybean and corn harvest estimates for the 2011 crop significantly and said ethanol plans will consume more corn than livestock. This year’s corn crop will be down 556 million bushels, or 4 percent less than projected in July, according to the Crop Production and Supply/Demand Report. Soybean yields will be 169 million bushels, or 5.24 percent lower than the July estimate of 3.225 billion bushels, the report indicated.
- Pork barrel ethanol subsidies have doubled corn prices
- Why U.S. corn should go to China NOT ethanol
- Record global corn harvests will fail to meet demand for food, fuel and livestock feed
- The Hidden Cost of Ethanol Subsidies - Food
- If Al Gore Can Outgrow the Ethanol Fad, Why Can’t Conservatives?
- Ditching Ethanol Subsidy Will Save US $6 Billion - Won't Hurt Domestic Production Either
- Study: biofuels could cause more than 192,000 deaths due to effect on food prices
- Ethanol boondoggle will be about $16.2 billion
- Bill Clinton warns against ethanol food war he created
- How biofuels contribute to the food crisis
- Ethanol Still a good idea when we can't feed 50 Million Americans?
"Made in China" accounted for only 2.7% of U.S. Consumer Product Spending

Import content of U.S. personal consumption expenditures by category
Westinghouse Reactor Takes a Step Forward
The reactor at the leading edge of what has been cast as a “nuclear renaissance” has taken a step forward.
The staff of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission said on Tuesday that it had finished its evaluation of the safety of the proposed Vogtle 3 and 4 reactors, a Southern Company project near Augusta, Ga. The staff has also completed work on Southern’s application for a license to build and run the reactors.
Scott Burnell, a commission spokesman, said that the basic question facing the commission is whether it is satisfied with its staff’s work on safety and environmental evaluations related to the reactor, the new Westinghouse AP-1000. If the commission votes yes, “then things are good,’’ he said.
The AP-1000 (the letters stand for “advanced passive” technology and the number is the reactor’s approximate capacity in megawatts) has a complicated history. It was approved once before but after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and other considerations, it needed more work.
There are still opponents, and they may still seek to delay approval.
HealthCare Blackmail Alert - life-saving drugs average 650% mark-ups
...Federal Food and Drug Administration officials say the shortages are caused by manufacturing problems, firms that simply stop making drugs and production delays. The agency has no power to compel manufacturers to make certain drugs, or even to inform health care providers in a timely fashion. Shortages often occur without warning and with no clear indication of when they’ll end. A bill pending in Congress, the S.296 -- Preserving Access to Life-Saving Medications Act, would require that drug makers notify FDA early if shortages are likely to occur. A Senate work group is focused on stopping the shortages. Patients and doctors have grown increasingly desperate as the shortages have forced ill people to delay or cancel treatment, or to substitute medications that can be less effective or have unwanted side effects. “It’s like having a revolver to your head,” said Bob Dierker...who couldn’t get a vital colorectal cancer drug, leucovorin, during his treatments last year. Gray-market vendors offered leucovorin at a 3,170 percent mark-up, the new report showed. “When you’re desperate, you’re willing to pay anything,” said Dierker, whose disease is in remission. “At a 10,000 percent mark-up, I would have paid it, if I could have.”
Read more at MSNBC
Comet Elenin Doomsday October 16, Predictions Clarified by NASA
The comet Elenin which will pass by Earth October 16 has generated such an inordinate amount of doomsday reports from a number of different sources that NASA today issued a release meant to address a variety of them.
To address the myriad concerns, NASA said its scientists compiled a list of the most popular questions it has received about Elenin. The answers were provided from Don Yeomans of NASA's Near-Earth Object Program Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and David Morrison of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at the NASA Ames Research Center.
Read list at Networkworld or see the information NASA has on Elenin is readily available on the Internet. If this comet were any danger to anyone, you would certainly know about it. For more information, visit NASA's AsteroidWatch site.
LCD that converts sunlight, ambient light, and their own backlight into energy.
UCLA Engineers Create Energy-Generating LCD Screen that allows gadgets like smartphones and laptops to convert sunlight, ambient light, and their own backlight into energy. Equipping LCD-enhanced devices with so-called polarizing organic photovoltaics will recoup battery loads of lost power, and enable smartphone users to scour Yelp, scan Twitter, and update their Facebook page without fear of draining the charge before a real communication crisis arises." - Read more at UCLA
Electric Vehicle Sets 1,000 Miles-Plus Record on Single Charge
Aug 17, 2011
How Did Fish in Vermont Get so Radioactive?
That fish was collected nine miles upstream from the Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant, a distance that encouraged Entergy officials to cast doubt on the source of the contamination:
We are aware that the Vermont Department of Health may have detected strontium-90 in some fish from the Connecticut River. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that Vermont Yankee is the source for the strontium-90. We have 31 monitoring wells on site that are tested regularly. No groundwater sample from any well at Vermont Yankee has ever indicated the presence of strontium-90, or any other isotope other than tritium. We do not know why the Governor would suggest Vermont Yankee is the source, but there is no factual basis for that suggestion.”
Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin seemed to tie the contamination to the plant in a statement he released on Tuesday, but he backed off that claim on Wednesday after his own Health Department echoed Entergy:
“We cannot associate low levels of Sr-90 in fish in the Connecticut River with Vermont Yankee-related radioactive materials without other supporting evidence,” the Vermont Department of Health said in its statement on the finding. The strontium-90 was only slightly above the lower limit of detection. The state’s radiological health chief, Bill Irwin, told the Burlington Free Press he would eat the fish:
“It would not be of concern to me,” he said. “The risk is very small.”
Gov. Shumlin, however, said he would pass on eating the fish.
Shumlin wants Vermont Yankee shut down when its license expires in 2012. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved a 20-year extension for the plant, but Entergy also needs approval from the state. Expecting denial, Entergy is preparing to sue Vermont.
Although no strontium has been found in groundwater samples taken at the plant, strontium-90 has been found in soil samples taken near a pipe that leaked tritium into groundwater, according to the Burlington Free Press.
A “bone-seeker,” strontium-90 is chemically similar to calcium, so the body deposits it in bone and marrow, where it is known to cause cancer. Radioactive isotopes of strontium are particularly dangerous to the growing bones of fetuses and children.The Vermont fish were taken from the river months before the Fukushima accident. Another dangerous isotope found in Hawaiian milk this Spring, strontium-89, has been associated with Fukushima.
Clean Energy Deployment Administration (CEDA) - Clean Energy Financing Act of 2011
This legislation would establish the Clean Energy Deployment Administration (CEDA) within the Department of Energy (DOE) and authorize that new agency to provide various forms of financial assistance for clean energy projects developed by nonfederal entities. CEDA’s financial liabilities would be limited to the amounts available in a newly created Clean Energy Investment Fund, which would consist of federal appropriations and income from certain fees. Finally, the bill would modify some of the terms and procedures governing DOE’s Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program, which was established by title 17 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. Clean Energy Deployment Administration
This bill would expand the scope of federal financial assistance for clean energy projects relative to existing law. CEDA would be authorized to provide direct loans, loan guarantees, letters of credit, insurance, and other forms of credit enhancement for clean energy projects. Such assistance would be available for investments in the energy, transportation, manufacturing, commodities, residential, commercial, municipal, and other sectors of the economy. This assistance would supplement DOE’s existing credit programs for energy and automotive projects that use advanced technologies and meet certain environmental emissions standards. Although the legislation would express a sense of the Senate that the initial funding for CEDA’s activities should total $10 billion, the figures in this analysis reflect CBO’s estimate of CEDA’s likely obligations over the next five years.
FRead full CBO PDF report
U.S. Navy Gets a Solar Power Upgrade
The Navy's Explosive Ordnance Disposal Training and Evaluation Unit 2 in Virginia has been testing five prototype lightweight field power kits that include solar cells as a key component. The kits replace fifty pounds of equipment with a compact system that weighs only about nine pounds. - TalkingPoints
Floating Nuclear Power Plant Seized By Court
WTF - Cigarette companies sue FDA over health warnings?
Cigarette companies are suing to try to stop the latest government health warnings ordered for packs of cigarettes. - CBS News
Haase - Last Time I checked:
Smoking Deaths Cost U.S. $92 Billion a Year. Total costs, including health care, more than $167 billion yearly. I think the "death stick" manufactures can afford a little dip in sales... unless the are REQUIRED to pay the $167 Billion (Why aren't they?). Also, what of the loss to the families of a lifetime of lost income or the obvious "value of life"?
Jon Stewart: Why is Everyone Still Ignoring Ron Paul?
Aug 16, 2011
Shell detects second Gannet Alpha North Sea leak point

Shell has been dealing with the release of an estimated 216 tonnes - 1,300 barrels - from a leak near the platform discovered last week.
The oil company said it was working to tackle what was described as a "second pathway" of leakage. "They are working to completely halt any further leakage."DECC's environmental inspectors will continue to monitor the situation and have been working closely with the company and counterparts from the Health and Safety Executive, Maritime and Coastguard Agency and Marine Scotland since the spill was reported last week." The spokesman added: "Although small in comparison to the Macondo, Gulf of Mexico, incident, in the context of the UK Continental Shelf the spill is substantial."But it is not anticipated that oil will reach the shore and indeed it is expected that it will be dispersed naturally. "Current estimates are that the spill could be several hundred tonnes."
Organic farming careers take off as more than a quarter milllion organic farmers sue Monsanto
Led by the Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association, the family farmers are fighting for the right to keep a portion of the world food supply organic—and preemptively protecting themselves from accusations of stealing genetically modified seeds that drift on to their pristine crop fields.
Did space storms drive riots, wild markets???
Everyone is pointing fingers -- at blundering politicians, hooded thugs, disaffected youths, bumbling police and greedy bankers -- but could the cause for all the madness really be the star at the center of our solar system? There isn't a lot of evidence pointing to little green men involving themselves in Earthly affairs, but the sun has been throwing bursts of highly charged particles into space in a phenomenon known as coronal mass ejections or CMEs.

Did we lose $10 trillion?
Accounting Problems: You think Enron's accounting was troubled?
Ending the Wars: Ending operations in Iraq and Afghanistan will instantly save the defense department $180 billion per year. According to Joseph Stiglitz the wars have cost the government $3 trillion and counting.
The United States military budget accounts for over 40% of the world's annual military expenditures and, at around $700 billion per year, more than 20% of the federal budget. The Federal government wants to curb that spending as part of deficit reduction.
Last week's deficit deal calls for up to $350 billion in cuts over the next decade on the departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs, among others. And, if the debt "super-committee" fails to reach a deal on $1.2 trillion in budget cuts, it will automatically trigger an additional $500 billion in cuts over the next decade.
Read more at YahooWired Science News for Your Neurons Food Prices Could Hit Tipping Point for Global Unrest
When food shortages and rising prices drive people to desperation, social unrest soon follows. It’s as true today as it was in 18th-century France. According to a new analysis of food prices and unrest, the 2008 global food riots and ongoing Arab Spring may be a preview of what’s coming.
“When you have food prices peak, you have all these riots. But look under the peaks, at the background trend. That’s increasing quite rapidly, too,” said Yaneer Bar-Yam, president of the New England Complex Systems Institute. “In one to two years, the background trend runs into the place where all hell breaks loose.”
Bar-Yam and his colleagues are hunters of mathematical signals in social data: market trends and economic patterns, ethnic violence, Hollywood movies. In their latest expedition, described Aug. 11 in the prepublication online arXiv, they focus on the 2008 food riots and the Arab Spring, both of which followed year-long surges in basic food prices.
FAO Price Index at current prices (black curve) and corrected for inflation (blue curve) between January 2004 and May 2011. Red dashed lines signify the beginning dates of food riots and unrest in North Africa and the Middle East. Black and blue horizontal lines represent the current-price and inflation-adjusted food price thresholds for riots. Bar-Yam et al/arXiv
The researchers are hardly the first to portray food problems as a spark that inflames social inequality and stokes individual desperation, unleashing and amplifying impulses of rebellion. The role of food prices in triggering the Arab Spring has been widely described. Their innovation is a pair of price points on the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s food price index: about 215 in current prices, or 190 when corrected for inflation.
It’s at those points where, on a graph of food prices and social unrest between 2004 and 2011, unrest breaks out. But whereas they were crossed by price jumps in 2008, Bar-Yam and colleagues calculate that the underlying, steady trend — driven primarily by commodity speculation, agricultural crop-to-fuel conversion and rising prices of fertilizer and oil — crosses those points between 2012 and 2013.
“Once we get there, the peaks aren’t the problem anymore. Instead it’s the trend. And that’s harder to correct,” said Bar-Yam. At that point, widespread political unrest and instability can be expected, even in countries less troubled than those in North Africa and the Middle East.
“When the ability of the political system to provide security for the population breaks down, popular support disappears. Conditions of widespread threat to security are particularly present when food is inaccessible to the population at large,” write Bar-Yam and colleagues in arXiv. “All support for the system and allowance for its failings are lost. The loss of support occurs even if the political system is not directly responsible for the food security failure, as is the case if the primary responsibility lies in the global food supply system.” - Read full at Wired
Hydrogen Fuel Cells Found in Nature
Microorganism Used to Remove Radioactive Cesium
New Paint that Can Cut Power Costs by 40%
Aug 15, 2011
Rice Futures and Imports/Trades Halted as Radiation Weighs On First Since ’39
Rice futures in Tokyo surged in their first appearance on the bourse since 1939, triggering a suspension of trade, on concern radiation from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant may spread to crops and curb supply. ... The exchange listed rice contracts today for the first time since the start of World War II to boost flagging volumes and profit. The resumption comes as fallout from the Fukushima Dai- Ichi power plant may spread after it was found cattle had been fed cesium-tainted rice straw. Spinach, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, tea, milk, plums and fish have been found to be contaminated with cesium and iodine as far as 360 kilometers (224 miles) from the station operated by Tokyo Electric Power Co. Read more at PeakEnergyMore updates on Fukushima
- Radioactive Rain-Outs Will Continue For a Year - Even In Western U.S. and Canada
- Japan’s Nuclear Agency Hides Radiation Results from Thyroid Tests on Children
- Russia Rejects Car Imports From Japan, Detects 17 Microsieverts Per Hour
Aug 14, 2011
Government legally required to create jobs?
- full employment legislation including the Humphrey Hawkins Full Employment Act of 1978,
- the 1977 Federal Reserve Act, and
- the global consensus based on customary international law that all people have a right to a job with favorable remuneration to provide an adequate standard of living.
Nice 180 mpg MotorCycle
The engine is a 49cc OHV 4-stroke that offers an impressive 180 mpg; the transmission has a centrifugal clutch and freewheel, so the pedals can remain stationary while the engine is doing the hard work. No two Derringers are the same, and they’re absolutely guaranteed to stop the traffic.From Bike EXIF
Aug 13, 2011
Apple Now Offering Free Recycling For PCs
Exporting e-waste overseas, where it's dismantled and processed in unimaginably dangerous and harmful.