Sep 29, 2011
MMSD offers $100 rebates on Kohler high-efficiency toilets
Fish farm proposal surfaces near Story Hill neighborhood
A proposal to create an indoor fish farm, and greenhouses for raising organic vegetables, near the Story Hill neighborhood on Milwaukee's west side will be reviewed Monday by the Plan Commission.
You're Invited to UWM's Green Roof Ribbon Cutting
Several green roof extensions were added to Sandburg Hall as well as a 50,000 sq ft green roof addition to Golda Meir Library. The Library has also received a new 30kW solar photovoltaic system! See for yourself how renewable energy, stormwater management, and energy conservation have all come together "on one roof".
Part of UWM Sustainability Day October 18, 2011 2-4pm
4th Floor
2311 E. Hartford Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Presentations, Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Green Roof Viewing and Tours
- Speakers: 2:15-3pm
- Green Roof Refreshments: 3pm-4pm
- Viewing and Tours (by sign-up): 3:15 & 3:45
Sep 28, 2011
EHS News daily roundup
Top Headlines (New extension of this blog ;-)
“People always call it luck when you’ve acted more sensibly than they have.” - Anne Tyler
EPA Scientists Receive Presidential Honor - WASHINGTON –Today two Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) scientists were named recipients of the 2010 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), which recognizes excellent research and leadership in the sciences. The award is the highest honor bestowed by … Continue reading →
20 Simple ways to conserve water
Major river basins have enough water to sustainably double food production in the coming decades
Seven More Companies Dump Sustainable Forestry Initiative - AT&T, State Farm and Comcast are among seven Fortune 500 companies that have joined a growing corporate movement against the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, an eco-label that a non-profit alleges “greenwashes” environmentally damaging products. The trend began in March when seven … Continue reading →
Texas Sues EPA Over Power Plant Pollution Rules - Texas filed a petition for review of the EPA’s – the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule – in a federal appeals court, the Houston Chronicle reports, saying the state doesn’t have enough time to comply with the January 1 effective rule. … Continue reading →
U.S. to investigate protection for 374 water species
Second giant ice island set to break off Greenland glacier - msnbc: Astonished scientist says he was ‘completely unprepared for the gob-smacking scale of the breakup, which rendered me speechless’ New photographs taken of a vast glacier in northern Greenland have revealed the astonishing rate of its breakup, with one scientist … Continue reading →
Nissan Leaf first adopters say car exceeds expectations
Dell Backs Away from Carbon Neutrality, Focuses on Efficiency & E-Waste
- Chemistry Goes Green - The discovery that our lives are filled with so many potential sources of exposure to chemicals with so many subtle but significant impacts has prompted the need for a pollution prevention strategy that goes well beyond … Continue reading →
Health & Safety
Cantaloupe listeria outbreak: Death toll rises to 16
Dailymail Health officials say as many as 16 people have died from possible listeria illnesses traced to Colorado cantaloupes, the deadliest food outbreak in . -
Kansas Firm Recalls Ground Beef Products Due To Possible E. Coli O157:H7 Contamination - Tyson Fresh Meats Inc., an Emporia, Kan. establishment, is recalling approximately 131,300 pounds of ground beef products that may be contaminated with E. coli O157:H7.
Building a Stronger Regional Safety Net: Philanthropy’s Role - Building a Stronger Regional Safety Net: Philanthropy’s Role Source: Brookings Institution The growth of suburban poverty over the past two decades raises questions about the ability of nonprofit organizations to adapt to this relatively new geography of metropolitan poverty. These … Continue reading →
Scientists Discover Genetic Mutation that Causes Parkinson’s Disease - A large team of international researchers have identified a new genetic cause of inherited Parkinson’s disease that they say may be related to the inability of brain cells to handle biological stress.
Empowering safety programs with real-time data visualization - An ongoing reality for safety managers and frontline personnel in almost any industry is the need to record safety incident data. When all incident data is inputted into a centralized database, a safety coordinator doesn’t have to wait for the … Continue reading →
EPA Releases Strategy to Protect People's Health and the Environment in Communities Overburdened by Pollution - the release of Plan EJ 2014, a three-year, comprehensive plan to advance environmental justice efforts in nine areas, including rulemaking, permitting, enforcement, and science. Plan EJ 2014 aims to … Continue reading →
Forum Publishes Sustainable Packaging Guidelines - The Consumer Goods Forum, a global trade organization that includes both brands and retailers, has unveiled its Global Protocol on Packaging Sustainability. The aim of the protocol, formulated with support from the packaging industry, … Continue reading →
Slaughter Introduces Bill to Streamline Pharmaceutical Disposal
Lots of Green in Green Labels: FTC Watching Certifiers
EPA Launches Green Products Portal for Pollution Prevention Week
Vitamin A Supplement Programs Improve Child Survival
Common painkillers can raise heart risk
The big C: cancer treatment is increasingly unaffordable
The Impact of Cutting Social Security Cost of Living Adjustments on the Living Standards of the Elderly
Award Honors Matt Simmons
Energy Efficiency in Affordable Housing - The Energy Efficiency in Affordable Housing” session at the 2011-2012 Conference Series on Urban Sustainability.
Obama, High Speed Rail, and the State Of California - High speed rail is big business in other countries like China. America has been trying to get a high speed rail program in action for years with California being at the forefront of the planning. Now, it seems that lawsuits … Continue reading →
Low-Pressure Tanks Could Revolutionize Hydrogen Storage in Car
Tidal projects make headway in Australia and New Zealand - Tidal Today has a look at the state of play for tidal power projects in Australasia – Tidal projects make headway in Australia and New Zealand. Overall, the investment climate for renewables, including tidal, is set to improve significantly and … Continue reading →
U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2011 Underway - and results from the first of 10 contests tallied. Purdue University tied a team from Parsons the New School for Design/Stevens Institute of Technology for first in the affordability … Continue reading →
Loan Guarantees Finalized for Bio-Refinery, Geothermal, and Wind Projects - DOE has finalized three loan guarantees totaling $625 million in support of an Iowa bio-refinery, a Nevada geothermal power project, and New Hampshire’s largest wind farm.
Defense Department Speeds Clean Energy Move: Report - The U.S. Department of Defense has been accelerating clean energy innovations to reduce risk to military personnel, boost energy security, and save money, according to a report from The Pew Charitable Trusts.
ISO 50001: From Energy Project to Energy Plan - When it comes to energy, companies have three options: do nothing at all, undertake individual energy projects, or deploy an energy program that pushes lasting performance improvement. Any company that wants to survive, and ideally thrive, in the next five … Continue reading →
- GE Energy Signs $3bn in Contracts - GE Energy has announced more than $3 billion in new customer agreements across its business, including waste-heat recovery, wind turbines, water treatment and a manufacturing efficiency contract with Anheuser-Busch InBev. GE signed a new partnership with global brewer AB InBev, … Continue reading →
Sep 27, 2011
OSHA quote of the day
Daily Journal - "It's a pretty unbelievable statistic, but each year, nearly one out of every 10 construction workers on our state highway construction projects [is] injured on the job."
Sep 26, 2011
This week in EHS News
Here are the headlines of the week:
- Water Problems Are Solvable
- GoingGreen Top 200 identifies the top emerging companies
- EPA Bans CFC-Based Asthma Inhalers
- H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act of 2011
- H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act of 2011
- Water: The New Oil
- EPA attack bill headed for House floor
- Water and Energy: Texas Drought Reveals the Choke Point
- House to vote on more anti-EPA amendments
- Impact of Gulf Spill’s Underwater Dispersants Is Examined
- Keeping Industrial Plants Cool and Fish Alive
- DuPont Offers Compensation for Dead Trees
- Plastic from beef waste
- The ‘Best Fuel in the World’?
- Solar Energy . . . From Cucumbers?
- Catalyzing the Clean Economy
- Advanced Hydropower Gets New Funding from DOE and Interior Departments
- China’s New Plan for Solar Power Supremacy
- Solar is the “Fastest Growing Industry in America” and Made Record Cost Reductions in 2010
- U.S. PV Market Poised To Be World’s Biggest
- Costs for Nuclear Energy Skyrocket While Cost of Renewables Plummet
- Never mind Solyndra: The real cost of new U.S. nuclear reactors. Federal loan guarantees for nuclear power are a terrible deal for the U.S. taxpayer.
- Exports May Be a Big Opportunity for U.S. Advanced Battery Manufacturers
- Solar Decathlon: Let The Games Begin
- Self-Powered Microbial Fuel Cells Could Serve Up Unlimited Hydrogen Supply
- The Military’s Airship Renaissance Deflates Over Lack of Access to Helium
- Tough times ahead for renewable energy – Obama unveils $3T deficit reduction plan – House panel to grill Solyndra execs
- Gordon Murray’s EV Is as Light as It Is Sexy
- Solar Installations Rise, but Manufacturing Declines
Health & Safety
- Texas Firm Recalls Ground Beef Due To Possible E. Coli O157:H7 Contamination
- Dynamic Multicrop Model to Characterize Impacts of Pesticides in Food
- Outbreak Deadliest Pandemics in History
- Tracking the Global Food Situation
- Military Struggles to Cut Fire Risks
- Impasse Persists on Drugs in Drinking Water
- How Dead Is Yucca Mountain?
- BP Took Shortcuts Before Oil Disaster, Report Concludes
Green Jobs
Sep 24, 2011
Typical U.S. family got poorer during the past 10 years –
A typical U.S. family got poorer during the past 10 years in the first decade-long income decline in at least a half-century, new federal data show.
By Bob Andres, AP
People wait in line during a job fair in August at Atlanta Technical College in Atlanta. The weak economy has driven median household income down, hitting poor people and minorities the hardest. The median income for black households fell 3.6% to $32,206 last year.
By Bob Andres, AP
People wait in line during a job
Live Support. Free Instant Quotes!
Median household income fell 2.3% to $49,445 last year and has dropped 7% since 2000 after adjusting for inflation, the Census Bureau said Tuesday. Income was the lowest since 1996.
Poverty rose, too. The share of people living in poverty hit 15.1%, the highest level since 1993, and 2.6 million more people moved into poverty, the most since Census began keeping track in 1959.
Sep 21, 2011
H.R. 795, Small-Scale Hydropower Enhancement Act of 2011
Read full - The Small-Scale Hydropower Enhancement Act of 2011 (PDF)
Honeywell Gearless Home Wind Turbine Launches Again - Much higher price?
The turbine spins at 0.5 mph and generates energy at two mph of wind. Honeywell Wind Turbine is rated at 1,500 watts in 31 mph winds, according to WindTronics materials. In terms of noise, an important factor tied to location, the turbine has “negligible” vibration and makes about 35 db of noise at 10 feet.
The WT6500 Wind Turbine can be used in either the residential or commercial context, subject to local zoning and permits if required. To help people learn whether small wind like this makes sense, WindTronics developed a tool to estimate local wind speeds, utility prices, and rebate programs, which is available online at
2011 PopSci -A Personal Turbine Makes Your Rooftop Into a Wind Farm
2010 The much-anticipated Honeywell Wind Turbine from WindTronics officially launches today, one day prior to Earth Day. This is a small wind 1,500 watt turbine that we’ve mentioned extensively – here’s a video of one spinning. The launch is supported by a global network of distributors, partners, and retailers ready to sell the unique turbine from a starting price of $5,795, plus installation. I say this is a starting price because it depends on the connector. The Honeywell Wind Turbine can be connected to the grid (Power One Aurora Grid Tie Inverter option), a building (SmartBox option), or a battery (Direct DC option) JetSonGreen Honeywell Gearless turbine news from 2009 Small wind turbine works at low wind speeds - cnet
Sep 19, 2011
2011 State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference (SOLEC) in Erie, Pennsylvania, October 26 & 27, 2011.
Conference Highlights include:
- Most up-to-date information on the status of the Great Lakes using an improved, updated and representative indicator suite
- New presentation format that better illustrates the linkages between the condition of the ecosystem and how human activities are related
- Keynote presentation by Dr. Robert Glennon, author of Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To Do About It
- Special presentation by Dr. Bryan Pijanowski, Associate Professor at Purdue University and land use change expert
- Recognition of Great Lakes successes at the SOLEC Banquet on the evening of
Day 1 - Presentations on current conditions in each Great Lake, the connecting channels and the St. Lawrence River highlighting a unique land-use
- IMAX viewing of Mysteries of the Great Lakes and evening pre-SOLEC reception at Tom Ridge Environmental Center
Conference Agenda
The theme for SOLEC 2011 is “Linking Land to the Lakes” which will expand the nearshore focus of the 2008 conference and highlight land-based issues as they relate to water quality in the Great Lakes.
Plenary presentations during the first day of SOLEC will focus on the condition of the Great Lakes based on indicator assessments of the following categories: Water Quality, Aquatic-Dependent Life, and Landscapes and Natural Processes. These presentations will incorporate management and human interest questions and answers. This new format allows decision-makers to better understand the linkages of how human activities are related to conditions in the ecosystem.
Dr. Robert Glennon, author of “Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What To Do About It” will deliver the keynote address on Wednesday, October 26, 2011. He will present his views on the water... Read on and register hereSep 18, 2011
Poverty rate hits 18-year high as median income falls
The median income fell last year, and the poverty rate rose to the highest level since 1993. Shaded areas represent recessions.
The number of Americans who have fallen into poverty rose to 15.1 percent in 2010, the highest level in nearly two decades, the Census Bureau said Tuesday in a report.
The report, which showed the poverty rate rose for a third straight year as the economy struggles with a stumbling recovery and persistent high joblessness, said the number of poor Americans in 2010 was the largest in the 52 years that it has been publishing poverty estimates... read on at MSNBC
Sep 17, 2011
U.S. Unable to Account for 36,000 Pounds of Its Own Uranium and Plutonium
Under special nuclear cooperation agreements, the United States sent 38,580 pounds of enriched uranium and plutonium to more than two-dozen foreign agencies and is unable to account for 36,000 pounds of the material.
Because there is no reporting process in place, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has been visiting nuclear storage sites overseas when permitted, but has not regularly visited countries with the greatest risk of proliferation. Read full at Business Insider
U.S. Taxpayers Could Be On Hook For Europe Bailout
So far, America’s role is fairly limited. But if the crisis continues to grow and the U.S. takes on a wider role, U.S. consumers and taxpayers could feel a bigger impact. The biggest exposure could come from America’s status as the single largest source of money for the International Monetary Fund.

The latest round of American financial assistance came Thursday with a promise by the Federal Reserve to swap as many dollars for euros as European bankers need. In the short run, those transactions won’t have much impact because the central banks are simply swapping currencies of equal value. If the move helps avert a wider crisis, it could help spare the global economy from another recession. But over the long term, consumers could feel the impact of central bankers flooding the financial system with cash, according to John Ryding, chief economist at RDQ Economics.“This is a lender of last resort function,” he told CNBC. “With the dollar injections that the Fed has done, it’s like giving a patient medicine with really bad side effects.” Ryding said the bad side effect in the U.S. has been inflation, which has picked up to 3.8 percent year over year. Fed policymakers meet next week to decide whether the flagging U.S. economy needs another round of easy-money measures that could include buying more Treasury bonds to push more cash into the financial system. Read on at MSNBC
Big drop in children under five dying,
The reasons for the change include better access to health care and immunisation, says a report by Unicef and the World Health Organization.
Sep 12, 2011
Sep 11, 2011
I’ve seen too much hate in the world...only peace will bring peace, war will bring more.
Peace starts at home...150,000 people have been murdered in the United States since 9/11.
The GOP debates biggest applause of the night was the execution of 234 people just in the state of Texas...Americans. How do we not see these people as fallen brothers? Many were brothers, fathers and a few vetrans. If we turn our backs on saving our own country men, how do we expect to save the world? By executing the ones we can't save... Really??
Sep 10, 2011
Exposing Big Green environmentalists' best-kept secret
The Alarming Cost Of Climate Change Hysteria
GOA report here
Sep 9, 2011
Fukushima and Chernobyl Side-by-Side
Pair claim they can make ammonia to fuel cars for just 20 cents per liter
However there is some valid science behind ammonia as a fuel and has been for over 3 decades... none have beat the energy loss or safety concerns.
Sep 8, 2011 EPR: The Road from Shared Stewardship to Full Producer Responsibility (FREE Webinar)
Latest Edition of Ethical Corporation magazine - Free
The magazine contains:
- A 10-page briefing on the PR industry
- A feature article that outlines the business case for being a responsible and sustainable company – featuring company examples
- An analysis piece that reviews tax and the key ethical issues surrounding it
- A 10-page briefing on the big CR issues in Turkey, analysing the main domestic challenges to business
Sep 7, 2011
The End of Energy Policy
OPEC, contrary to some expectations, now accounts for almost as large a fraction of world oil reserves as it did in 1973. Though it had little success in 2008–09 in slowing a precipitous drop in oil prices, this hardly matters in the larger scheme of things. With demand sure to keep growing sharply from the fastest-growing developing countries, and with the age of easy oil over, the basic trend will be for prices to remain high. For OPEC's biggest customers, "energy independence" is as distant a goal as it was a generation ago.
Though Europe has managed to cut its total oil consumption for several years in a row, its North Sea reserves are running low and its dependence on imports from Russia as well as the Middle East is growing. What is more, as Germany and Italy have adopted plans to limit or end reliance on nuclear energy, natural gas imports from Russia are sure to rise too—imports that are even more vulnerable than oil to interruption and manipulation. Less reliance on atomic power also means much more generation of electricity from coal, in both Germany and Japan, and with that, higher-than-hoped-for greenhouse gas emissions. Since the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, Germany and the United Kingdom have been the most aggressive and successful of the world's major world economies in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. But that leadership now is threatened not only by greater dependence on fossil fuels but also by limits to how far and fast they can go with wind, the only real alternative to coal, gas, and nuclear for utility-scale power generation. ...and that more expensive offshore wind could run into a consumer backlash. ...the costs of British offshore wind could come to almost US $10 000 per citizen and be, on an installed megawatt basis, 10 to 12 times the cost of new natural gas generation.Read more from IEEE
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Tel: 414-607-2006 email: dmouradi(at)
Sep 6, 2011
Wold Water Monitoring Day Sept 18!
And its citizens lead the way in helping state natural resource managers keep track of this watery wealth, including:
- More than 1,000 volunteers monitor lakes across Wisconsin for through the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network.
- More than 300 citizens test local streams, including 60 teachers who engage their students, through the Wisconsin Action Volunteers program.
- More than 171 educators in 2010 received hands-on lessons about aquatic resources from DNR educators certified to present the Project Wet curriculum; these educators in turn estimated they'd reach 36,600 students with the lessons.
"Wisconsin's lucky to have so many citizens helping keep track of what's going on in our waters," says Ken Johnson, who leads water programs for the Department of Natural Resources. "World Water Monitoring Day shines a spotlight on the importance of monitoring and the people who do it."
Through WAV and Clean Lakes Monitoring Network, DNR and UWEX supply citizens with the training and equipment to conduct the monitoring. Volunteers feed their information into databases.
The water quality information volunteers collect is used in many ways, says Kris Stepenuck, who coordinates the Water Action Volunteers program for DNR and UWEX. Uses range from feeding into Wisconsin's required report to Congress on the condition of its waters, to helping determine whether a particular lake or river needs to be considered for inclusion on the state's "impaired" waters list, to inclusion in various state and national studies assessing water quality.
More water education news, including free posters - A series of water monitoring lesson plans developed for World Water Monitoring Day [] by that organization and Project WET staff are now available online.
DNR releases study on silica emissions
The full Silica Study (pdf; 676kb) report, including an executive summary, is available on the air management pages of the DNR website.
Funding Opportunity for Economic Impact of Bicycling
For more info, go to:
Funding Opportunity - Advancement of Clean Energy in India
Sep 4, 2011
Smart Power Grid Could Wreak Havoc On Itself
Department of Energy 'Billion-Ton' Study Highlighting Opportunities for Growth in Bioenergy Resour
The E-Cat loses steam... another snake oil free energy device?
The "Energy Catalyser" (E-Cat) is a device that has been reported by two Italian scientists to be able to solve the world's energy problems by means of a nuclear fusion reaction. Unfortunately, there are serious doubts about these claims. In the figure above (from a paper by Peter Ekstrom ) you see one of the problems with the E-Cat: the trickle of the steam produced by the device in operation is way too small to indicate that it actually produces energy.
Andrea Rossi and Sergio Focardi have recently claimed the development of a device (the "energy catalyser" or "E-Cat") able to produce useful energy from low temperature nuclear fusion reactions. If it were to work as reported, the E-Cat would be a true revolution not only in science, but also in everyday life. We would have a simple device able to produce plenty of low-cost energy without generating significant pollution and we could say good-bye to the energy crisis and to global warming as well. In a previous post of mine on "The Oil Drum," I examined the E-Cat, leaving open the possibility that it was a real fusion device. Here, I re-examine the question on the basis of new data. It looks now very unlikely that the E-Cat can work as claimed. - Read on at TOD