Feb 28, 2017
Dell Ships First Recycled Ocean Plastics Packaging in Its Industry
Feb 27, 2017
EPA to Host March 9th FREE Webinar on New Online Tool: Model My Watershed
EPA's Watershed Academy is pleased to sponsor the 92nd free Webcast Seminar on Thursday, March 9, 2017:
"Model My Watershed: A Tool for Water Resource Management"
Dr. Anthony Aufdenkampe, Senior Environmental Scientist, LimnoTech
Dr. Barry M. Evans, Senior Research Associate, Penn State University and Adjunct Faculty member at Stroud Water Research Center
Bill Brown, Chief, TMDL Development Section, PA Department of Environmental Protection
Join us for a Webcast on a new web-based tool called Model My Watershed. This tool is part of a larger web application called WikiWatershed that is being developed by the Stroud Water Research Center (see www.wikiwatershed.org). Model My Watershed is a user friendly, online watershed modeling Web application intended for use by citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, educators, students, and others. This tool enables users to:
- Analyze nationally-available landscape, climate and other datasets in their neighborhoods and watersheds;
- Model stormwater runoff and water quality impacts using professional-grade models; and
- Compare how different conservation or development scenarios could modify runoff and water quality.
Model My Watershed allows users to learn how land use and soil together determine whether rainfall infiltrates into the soil, runs off into streams, or is evaporated and transpired by plants. This Internet tool is intended to provide an easy-to-use professional-grade modeling package to inform land use decisions, support conservation practices, and enhance watershed education.
The Webcast will provide background on the tool, will demonstrate the tool, and will highlight how this tool is being used by several states and others for their total maximum daily load, nonpoint source, and municipal stormwater programs.
Webcast participants are eligible to receive a certificate for their attendance. The Webcast presentations are posted in advance at http://www.epa.gov/watershedacademy/watershed-academy-webcast-seminars and participants are encouraged to download them prior to the Webcast.
2 hour audio Web broadcast
Eastern 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Central 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm Mountain 11:00 am – 1:00 pm Pacific 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Local watershed organizations, municipal leaders and others are invited to sign up for these free, online webcast training sessions. Attendees must register in advance to participate in webcasts. During the webcasts, trainees log onto the web to participate in live training conducted by expert instructors. Your computer must have the capability of playing sound in order to attend the webcasts. The Watershed Academy offers a certificate to those who attend webcasts. Streaming audio versions of past webcasts are available.
Feb 24, 2017
EPA will host free Webinar on Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) March 7
EPA's WIFIA program will host two webinars for prospective borrowers that will explain the process for submitting and evaluating WIFIA letters of interest. These webinars will be held on Thursday, February 9, 2017 at 2:00-3:30 p.m. ET and Tuesday, March 7, 2017 at 1:00-2:30 p.m. ET. To access the webinars, register in advance for either the February 9 or March 7 webinar.
EPA hosted six information sessions around the country and a webinar series in Fall 2016 to:
- Foster a greater understanding of the WIFIA program requirements;
- Clarify the purpose and goals of the WIFIA program; and
- Pave the way for successful applications to the program.
Feb 23, 2017
Sustainability Live Webinar- Microplastics in the Aquatic Environment
OSHA Forklift Training- FREE Webcast via @jjkeller
Forklifts and other powered industrial trucks are some of the most common – and most powerful – pieces of equipment in industrial workplaces. With this power, comes the potential for serious hazards. Effective training and operator evaluations help reduce and eliminate hazards. However, the regulations are vague in some cases. This webcast will provide an overview of OSHA's forklift training and evaluation requirements, answer frequently asked questions, and share some real life experiences. The webcast will cover: • Trainer qualifications • Training program content • Refresher training and evaluation • The importance of training • When training is not the answer • And much more.
Register Now
Sustainability Live Webinar - Are Pyrethroid Insecticides a Threat to Aquatic Non-Target Species?
Free Webinar: Using Risk Ranking To Drive Behaviors, Efficiencies and Insights with @WToddLunsford
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Feb 22, 2017
EPA Releases Sampling Guidance for Unknown Contaminants in Drinking Water
Feb 21, 2017
H.R. 998 SCRUB Act - review existing federal regulations and to identify those that should be repealed to reduce the cost of regulations on the economy.
H.R. 1004, Regulatory Integrity Act of 2017
Feb 17, 2017
U.S. Government Supports Lower Court Decision that Navy Members’ Fukushima Suit Can Proceed in US @ejkohse
Emma Kohs: In March 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake rocked the eastern Japanese coastline, causing 100-foot waves, massive damage, and nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima-Daiichi plant. The following day, the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan arrived near Fukushima to carry out Operation Tomodachi ("friend"), a $90 million humanitarian assistance operation. In a class action lawsuit filed in the Southern District of California, U.S. naval service members and their families allege that they were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation during this operation, and seek damages from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which owned and operated the six-reactor nuclear plant. District Judge Janis Sammartino initially dismissed the suit as non-justiciable under the political question doctrine, but allowed an amended complaint to go forward. TEPCO appealed the denial of its motion to dismiss to the 9th Circuit.
At this stage, the major dispute in the case concerns the forum rather than the substance: should the plaintiffs be permitted to hale TEPCO into American courts, or must they sue in Japan, where such claims can be submitted to a Nuclear Damage Claim Dispute Resolution Center set up by the government? This question, however, implicates sensitive issues of sovereignty and competing national interests, pitting members of the U.S. military against a company that was essentially nationalized by the Japanese government after the crisis. As the U.S. government's brief explains:
This case thus touches upon strong U.S. interests, both because of our Nation's enduring relationship with Japan, a longstanding and essential ally, and because plaintiffs in this action are members of the U.S. military allegedly harmed while deployed on a humanitarian mission, and their family members.
At the request of the 9th Circuit, the United States entered the case in December as an amicus to clear up questions at stake relating to the U.S. interests. During oral argument last September, TEPCO's counsel had suggested that the U.S. government's interests favored dismissal of the case in preference for a Japanese forum, consistent with a general policy of centralization of claims for nuclear third party liability in the country in which an accident has occurred. The panel seemed skeptical about this suggestion. In fact, though the U.S. government's brief was in support of neither party, it urged deference to the decision below, stating "[t]he United States has no specific foreign policy interest necessitating dismissal in this particular case." In light of this development, the court granted both parties an opportunity to submit supplemental briefs in response and has not yet issued an opinion.
The U.S. government's brief walks a fine line, at times reading more like a diplomatic statement than a legal argument, extolling Japan as a "valuable partner" and "one of the United States' most important economic partners and strategic allies." Still, it notes that the Japanese compensation system is not "exclusive on its own terms," and that the court below could have reasonably concluded that an interest in "providing U.S. service members a U.S. forum for their claims" outweighed the interest in resolving all claims in Japan.
The government of Japan's amicus brief, filed before that of the United States, takes a stronger stance, urging the court to dismiss the claims on grounds of international comity. The comprehensive compensation system enacted by the Japanese legislature is sufficient to address all claims arising from the disaster, it argues, and this litigation could be "highly corrosive" to that system:
U.S. courts should not undermine the carefully calibrated public policy reflected in the legislation passed by the Japanese Diet establishing the nuclear accident compensation system. The irony of the situation is that this U.S. lawsuit against TEPCO is possible only because the Government of Japan, as part of its compensation system, ensured TEPCO's solvency, including by providing ongoing funds for damage payments.
The panel will be required to weigh these national interests in its international comity analysis, but there are other factors to consider. In its brief, TEPCO argued four separate grounds for dismissal—two aimed at attacking the forum, and two at attacking the underlying tort claim as either non-justiciable or barred by a defense. General Electric (GE), a defendant in the class action but not a party to the appeal, filed an amicus brief suggesting an additional jurisdictional barrier: the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC). If the 9th Circuit panel finds any of these five arguments compelling, it may direct the district court to reconsider TEPCO's motion to dismiss.
Please read full by Emma Kohse at: https://www.lawfareblog.com/us-government-supports-lower-court-decision-navy-members-fukushima-suit-can-proceed-united-states
Sugar-sweetened Beverage Consumption Among U.S. Adults, 2011–2014

Key findings PDF Version
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- Approximately one-half of U.S. adults consumed at least one sugar-sweetened beverage on a given day.
- Men consumed an average 179 kilocalories (kcal) from sugar-sweetened beverages, which contributed 6.9% of total daily caloric intake. Women consumed an average 113 kcal from sugar-sweetened beverages, which contributed 6.1% of total caloric intake.
- Young adults had the highest mean intake and percentage of daily calories from sugar-sweetened beverages relative to older adults.
- Non-Hispanic Asian men and women consumed the least calories and the lowest percentage of total calories from sugar-sweetened beverages compared with non-Hispanic white, non-Hispanic black, and Hispanic men and women.
How Big Data Is Leveraged To Save Lives via @KevinDruley
In this webinar we will clearly define the role of a data scientist. We will dive into how they use their skill set and create meaningful predictive models based on leading and lagging indicators. We will discuss how these models lead to actionable risk prevention outputs.
You will learn how companies with highly evolved safety cultures and programs are able to provide a high level of insight -- even to the point of being able to predict and prevent workplace injuries.
- How meaningful engagement drives predictive modeling
- What is the role of a data scientist
- How do data scientists use their skill set to create actionable predictive models
- How can modeling predict and prevent workplace injuries
- What actionable can a predictive model provide and what is the practical application of that information
Free Webinar - OSHA: Communicating With Workers About Hazardous Materials
Feb 16, 2017
Free hazard communication webinar to be offered by American Staffing Association Feb. 28
Feb 15, 2017
Long-burning Paradis pipeline fire finally extinguished, officials say
AASHE Award Winner Free Webinars - starting today!
Feb 13, 2017
CHINA: Samsung’s Note 7 recycling center catches fire, company blames faulty batteries
Former Note 7 owners working at the factory reported that the odor was nostalgic with a hint of cancer.
A fire at a Samsung plant actively involved in recycling Note 7 batteries isn't good, but it can be spun in an encouraging way. First, it can be argued to represent objective proof that no, these batteries were dangerous and Samsung's recall was the right thing to do. Perhaps more importantly, investors don't really care if the parts of your plant involved in waste management and recycling catch fire (not unless you're a recycling plant, anyway, in which case that's bad).
Acknowledging that a fire began in the area of the plant dedicated to producing batteries for upcoming Samsung products, on the other hand… well. There's this little device you've probably heard of, called the Galaxy S8, and Samsung is hoping it'll prove very popular, washing out the melted-phone-and-charred-house odor of the Galaxy Note 7. A fire at one of its facilities dedicated to producing smartphone batteries in particular, at a subsidiary already blamed for the Note 7 recall is a bad way to accomplish that goal.
There is as yet no sign that Samsung's Note 7 fiasco has hit the company's popularity or appeal, but that's the kind of problem you don't keep provoking. Having screwed the pooch on the Note 7, Samsung will be dead-set on ensuring the same thing doesn't happen to the Galaxy S8. One bad product is a fluke. Two are typically a sign that something is badly wrong in your manufacturing division.
Feb 10, 2017
EPA: Comment Period Extended for Two Rules on TCE
2017 Annual Report on Risk Evaluations
EPA- The first annual report on risk evaluations as required under the amended TSCA.
- The 2017 Annual Report on Risk Evaluations (PDF)(3 pp, 81 K, February, 2017)
U.S. Chemical Safety Board Investigators Deploying to Explosion at Packaging Corporation of America plant in DeRidder, Louisiana
Explosion at Flamanville nuclear power plant in France leaves several injured
Feb 9, 2017
S. 134, Spoofing Prevention Act of 2017
S. 102, Securing Access to Networks in Disasters Act of 2017
The Possible Impact of Regulatory Reductions on Workplace Safety Enforcement via @safetec
EPA Approves Wisconsin Multi-Discharger Variance for Total Phosphorous via @michaelbestlaw
Michael Best & Friedrich LLP: On February 6, 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved Wisconsin's Multi-Discharger Variance (MDV) for Total Phosphorous. The MDV establishes an additional and less-costly compliance option for eligible point sources seeking relief from burdensome phosphorous discharge limitations. The EPA's approval of the MDV will last for a period of 10 years, but may be extended if the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) requests and receives an extension. In a draft version of its MDV Justification submission for the EPA, WDNR indicated that an extension will likely be necessary.
Phosphorous Standard
In 2010, the WDNR promulgated rules creating a phosphorous standard intended to reduce the amount of phosphorous entering the state's watersheds. Following approval by the EPA, those rules became the federally enforceable water quality standard upon which discharge limits for point sources are calculated. Complying with the new discharge standards proved to be an exceedingly difficult challenge, and many facilities sought approval for individual variances. As the number of facilities seeking variances increased, the state sought to streamline the process, which resulted in the development and passage of 2013 Wis Act 378.
Act 378, which became effective in 2014, directed the WDNR and the Wisconsin Department of Administration to investigate the costs associated with attaining the water quality standard for phosphorous and its impact on the state's economy. That study revealed that compliance with the phosphorous standard would result in "substantial and widespread adverse social and economic impacts to the state," prompting WDNR to request EPA approval for this MDV.
Compliance Options
The MDV extends the timeline under which point sources must comply with phosphorous limits, including those based on a federally approved total maximum daily load (TMDL). To be eligible to apply for an MDV, a point source must be an existing facility that would require a major facility upgrade to comply with its phosphorous water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBEL). If a facility meets the eligibility criteria and requests an MDV, the facility's Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit will, upon approval, be modified or reissued with two important conditions. First, each point source must reduce its phosphorous load each five-year permit term. The final MDV approved by the EPA includes the following default limitations for each permit period:
- Permit term 1: 0.8 milligrams per liter (mg/L)
- Permit term 2: 0.6 mg/L
- Permit term 3: 0.5 mg/L
- Permit term 4: Phosphorus WQBEL
These default limitations may be adjusted if attainment is not feasible. Moreover, every five years the WDNR will review these interim phosphorous limitations to determine whether they are consistent with the highest attainable condition for the point sources and categories of point sources that are eligible for the variance.
A point source receiving an MDV must also implement a watershed improvement project to help reduce nonpoint source phosphorous pollution. These projects must include a binding, written agreement with either WDNR or other third parties to offset the amount of phosphorous by which the point source's discharge exceeds the target value. If a point source is located in a watershed for which a TMDL has been approved, its target value is the phosphorous discharge limitation included in its WPDES permit pursuant to the TMDL. If the point source is located in a watershed not subject to a TMDL, the target value is .02 mg/L. Alternatively, a point source may elect to pay its county Land Conservation Department $50 per pound of phosphorous discharged in excess of the target value. The per pound payment will be adjusted annually in proportion to any changes in the U.S. consumer price index for urban consumers. However, the per pound payment in effect when the permit is issued will apply for the full permit term.
Further information will be provided at a webinar hosted by the DNR, scheduled for 11 a.m. CDT on Monday, February 27, 2017.
Feb 8, 2017
NOT for all the tea in China...heavy metals from drinking tea from China from
The @Brownfields2017 Call for Ideas Is Open! Please submit your session ideas
TOXMAP now includes TRI 2015 data
TOXMAP maps the TRI chemicals reported to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as required by the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA).
A complete list of TRI chemicals required to be reported to the EPA can be found on their website.
Supporting Training for Emergency Response to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Incidents
By Kenneth Deal
In 2011, an earthquake and tsunami brought unimaginable destruction to Japan. These natural disasters were made more catastrophic by their impact on nuclear reactors at Fukushima. Though almost six years have passed, the life-threatening and massively destructive effects of this disaster remain a vivid reminder of the critical importance of national preparedness for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incidents.
Given the far-reaching effects and potential destruction of a natural or man-made chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incident, preparedness at national levels is an international concern. If an incident of this nature were to occur, a country's response within the first 24 to 48 hours is the most likely window to contain the danger and save lives. The complexity, uncertainty, and unexpectedness of these incidents make advance coordination crucial.
The U.S. Department of State's Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism coordinates the United States government's efforts to help partner nations around the globe confront challenges like these efficiently and effectively. Working with the Department of Defense's Defense Threat Reduction Agency and other U.S. federal agencies, we facilitate the delivery of a range of training programs and exercises designed to strengthen response authorities, plans, and procedures. On average, we support 10 to 12 events per year. These initiatives improve our response capabilities as well as the capabilitiesof our partner countries, advancing international security.
Kenya is one such partner. Last month, experts from the U.S. Departments of State, Defense, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts – Kenya's National Guard State Partner – conducted Exercise "Nairobi Treasure" with key Kenyan ministries. This tabletop exercise builds on a long history of cooperation between the United States and military and civilian chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear first responders in Kenya. The exercise offered a hypothetical incident to Kenyan ministries and agencies, giving them the opportunity to hone their roles and responsibilities. Designed to stimulate discussion, the exercise required participants to examine and resolve problems based on existing response plans, then to identify areas in which those plans needed to be refined.
Kenyan participants included officials from several ministries, military units and civilian national response organizations. Broad participation in this exercise demonstrates Kenya's firm commitment to developing civilian and military first response capabilities, furthering the country's role as a regional leader in this field. "Nairobi Treasure" enabled the Government of Kenya to exercise and strengthen the tools it has in place to respond to chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incidents.
The Fukushima nuclear accident was devastating for many reasons: it was unanticipated; it had a complex array of destructive immediate and long-term effects; and it called on Japanese agencies and officials to respond and recover at a time of national devastation. Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear incidents require comprehensive national preparedness. In the face of these potential threats, exercises like "Nairobi Treasure" are some of the best tools the United States offers internatio