Mar 26, 2007

The more you rely on things, the more helpless you are... living with less

(From Article) In my early adult life, I got caught up in some very expensive entertainment, simply because I had more money than I had ever even comprehended in my life to that point. Now that I'm older, I realize that most of the things I really truly enjoy have very little cost - reading, preparing food, and so on. I guess the lesson here is to appreciate hobbies and entertainment that have little expense.

The more you rely on things, the more helpless you are when they go away - and the more companies can get away with charging you for it.
To this day, whenever I rely on a service, I make it a point to occasionally reflect on how I would survive without it, and if life without that service doesn't seem to be much of a loss, I seriously look at removing it. The lesson here is to consider what you really need and what you really don't, and live life accordingly...
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