Apr 25, 2008

Americans easy to "greenwash"

 "green," "environmentally friendly," and "natural.", consumers are naively, trusting...

  • 47 percent trust companies to tell them the truth in environmental messaging
  • 45 percent believe companies are accurately communicating information about their impact on the environment
  • 61 percent of Americans say they understand the environmental terms companies use in their advertising

The Green Gap Survey,  found that almost half of those surveyed believing that anything marked "green" or "environmentally friendly" was good for the environment. Not quite a quarter really understood use of the terms in any meaningful way.

"The gap creates significant risk of embarrassment for companies and disillusionment for consumers," ....The result can be accusations that a company is engaging in 'greenwashing' and is misleading the public."

The survey found that consumers want regulation. Over 75% want certification by third party organizations and/or government regulation.

Read more from the Oxymoron source