Oct 27, 2009

EPA's uses social networks to spread safety Awareness on Mercury

U.S. EPA, ATSDR make available mercury poisoning prevention PSA for kids As part of Children's Health month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry today launched its "Don't Mess With Mercury" video in an effort to protect children from the dangers of mercury. Every year, the EPA responds to numerous mercury spills that are primarily caused by children playing with mercury. The EPA's cost for cleanup can range anywhere from $3,000 to $300,000 or more. The cost to the environment, and in some cases human health, is not quantifiable.

EPA - How can people be exposed to mercury? When elemental mercury is spilled, or a device containing mercury breaks, the spilled mercury can vaporize and be­come an invisible, odorless toxic vapor. This is especially true in warm, poorly-ventilated rooms or spaces. If mercury is spilled onto a hot surface, such as a hot surface in a laboratory, mercury will vaporize very quickly and can be more dangerous. Exposure can last a long time if the spill is not cleaned up promptly and properly. Breathing mercury vapors is the most common way to be exposed to elemental mercury, and is the most harmful to health. If mercury is swallowed, most of it passes through the body and very little is absorbed. A small amount may pass through skin from touching mercury for a short period of time, but typically not enough to cause harm.

Sources of mercury in schools:

• Glass thermometers
• Thermostats

• Blood pressure devices in medical offices

• Mercury switches

• Gauges: manometers, barometers, vacuum gauges

• Bulk elemental mercury in science laboratories
• Fluorescent lamps

• Mercury brought to school
Please read full at EPA