Feb 21, 2011

Outfall of a Helium-3 Crisis

Discovery - "The United States is curreHTML clipboard http://somefacts.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/hindenburg1.jpgntly recovering from a helium isotope crisis that last year sent low-temperature physicists scrambling, sky-rocketed the cost of hospital MRI's, and threw national security staff out on a search mission for alternate ways to detect dirty bombs. Now the panic is subsiding, what is being done to conserve, or replace, helium-3?" - SlashDot

So short in fact, that last year when the looming crisis, which reporters had been covering for years, became official, the price of helium-3 went from $150 per liter to $5,000 per liter. "We think the correct price should be $1500," Bentz said.

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