Jun 13, 2012

German Investment Bank Directs Massive Trillion Euro in Funding to Building Energy Efficiency.

German owned KfW has half a trillion Euro of assets, making it roughly twice the size of the World Bank. In 2011 it lent €70bn, raised from international markets at low interest rates thanks to its AAA credit rating. About a third goes to energy and climate change investments, including €24bn from 2009-2011 on energy efficiency in homes, which leveraged a total investment of €58bn. The German government prioritized the KfW energy efficiency program because 40% of the nation's carbon emissions come from buildings. It is serious about meeting its ambitious climate change targets of a 40% cut by 2020 and 80-95% by 2050. The program is self-sustaining, according to the bank. And if you don't like loans, you can get a grant of up to 20% of the cost of the works.

Read on at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/damian-carrington-blog/ 2012/may/24/green-investment-bank-energy-efficiency

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