Jun 1, 2012

Plastic Bag Ban Will Put Los Angeles In Landfill: Proposal would provide no environmental benefits and deepen city’s economic depression.

Proposal would provide no environmental benefits and deepen city’s economic depression.There’s a crisis in Los Angeles. Is it the city’s projected $250 million budget deficit? 
The city’s $10 billion shortfall in pension obligations? 
Its crumbling infrastructure? 
A public school dropout rate approaching 50 percent? 
No, the City of Angels is facing catastrophe in the form of grocery bags.

Don't worry about people or environment... Please over concern yourselves with self sustaining ideals.

Please read more from  Jay Beeber http://reason.com/archives/2012/05/23/plastic-bag-ban-will-put-los-angeles-in

NOTE: people choose to use plastic bags, not sure most poor and homeless choose that route.
While there may be a time and proper use for plastic bags... in a world full of so much wealth and knowledge I see no reason for poor and suffering. - Reason