Jun 6, 2012

Schiff: America is Already Bankrupt - Yahoo! Finance

Peter Schiff makes it clear, up front, why he's not trying to save America from fiscal disaster. He's not un-American, he's just too late. "We're already bankrupt," Schiff declares in the attached clip. "Better to acknowledge that fact than to pretend we're not."

The author of the new book The Real Crash says it's the stimulus that got us into this mess, or at least exacerbated the one we already had. Because of the Feds effectively zero percent interest rate policy the U.S., both as individuals and a collective, spends, borrows, and generally wastes far too much while saving nothing.

"We can't have real economic growth until interest rates go up," says Schiff. "If we admit we're bankrupt and at least restructure, we can start repairing the damage and preparing the economy for real growth."

The man who forecast the end of the housing bubble in his book Crash Proof says the housing implosion wasn't his primary concern. "I was worried about what was going to happen when the government tried to reflate the bubble." The ensuing meltdown is going to result from the cure, not the original disease.

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