Jan 24, 2013

Get Involved in #Green #Milwaukee #Sustainability Plan- #Environment Work Group will host a public meeting on January 30, 2013

You have a Milwaukee.Gov E-Notification for Environmental Sustainability Initiatives category.

The Milwaukee Green Team Environment Work Group will host a public meeting on January 30, 2013 to learn what issues on Air and Natural Resources should be included in the city Sustainability Plan.  Please join us.
Who:        Milwaukee Green Team - Environment Work Group
What:       Air & Natural Resources Issues Meeting
When:       5:30p - 7:00p, Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Where:      Villard Square Branch Library - Milwaukee Public   
            5190 N. 35th Street
            Milwaukee, WI  53209
Why:        Public feedback on city Sustainability Plan
            concerning Air & Natural Resources Issues
Courtesy RSVP to Kimberly Kujoth at (414) 286-5453 or kimberly.kujoth (at) milwaukee.gov.