Jan 25, 2013

Hypocrisy, mans greatest sin... Obamacare will cover everyone BUT smokers

The Affordable Care Act — “Obamacare” to its detractors — allows health insurers to charge smokers buying individual policies up to 50 percent higher premiums starting next Jan. 1.


For a 55-year-old smoker, the penalty could reach nearly $4,250 a year. A 60-year-old could wind up paying nearly $5,100 on top of premiums.

Please continue reading at: http://xfinity.comcast.net/articles/news-general/20130124/US.Health.Overhaul.Smokers/


I agree smokers should pay more... "Choice" they made it. However, drug users, heavy drinkers and obese get a pass? 

Choice = consequence$