Nov 11, 2013

Nestle draining more countries' ground water dry.

Sum of Us - Nestlé is draining developing countries' groundwater to make its Pure Life bottled water, destroying countries' natural resources before forcing its people to buy their own water back.

Now Nestlé is moving into Pakistan and sucking up the local water supply, rendering entire areas uninhabitable in order to sell mineral-enriched water to the upper class as a status symbol, while the poor watch wells run dry and their children fall ill.

In the small village of Bhati Dilwan, villagers have watched their water table sink hundreds of feet since Nestlé moved in. Children are getting sick from the foul-smelling sludge they're forced to choke down. Meanwhile, Nestlé spends millions marketing "Pure Life" to wealthy Americans, Europeans, and Pakistanis who can afford to watch their kids grow up healthy. This scenario is played out again and again in countries around the globe. But this is where we say: enough!

At the World Water Forum in 2000, Nestlé led the way in fighting against defining access to water a universal right. Nestlé and other big corporations won out, and government officials around the globe officially downgraded water's classification to a "need" instead, meaning it could be captured, commoditized, and exploited by major corporations without regard for local populations.
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