Jan 27, 2014

TRI-MEweb and RY 2013 TRI Reporting Forms & Instructions Availability

TRI, EPCRA, RMP & Oil Information Center: The newest version of the TRI-MEweb online reporting system, as well as the Reporting Year (RY) 2013 TRI Reporting Forms & Instructions manual are now available.  Effective January 21, 2014, facilities must use TRI-MEweb to submit TRI reporting forms to EPA (except for trade secret information, which facilities will still complete on paper) according to the Electronic Reporting of Toxics Release Inventory Data Final Rule (link included).  All RY 1991 to RY 2013 TRI forms in hardcopy format that are mailed to the Data Processing Center in Fairfax, Virginia, will be returned to the sender with a notice that forms must be submitted using the TRI-MEweb application.  Facilities must submit TRI forms for RY 2013 by July 1, 2014.

Login to your CDX user account and access the TRI-MEweb application at the following URL:

Guidance on using TRI-MEweb to submit TRI forms is available at the following URL:

The RY 2013 TRI Reporting Forms & Instructions is available at the following URL: